Title: Pretty Wicked Author: Kelley Charron Rating: 3/5 Stars I received a copy of this novel in exchange for an…
Title: The Cost of Power Author: Nicole Zoltack Rating: 3/5 Stars I was sent a copy of this novel by…
Hello! I hope your holidays are going well! I have been very busy but it looks like things are settling…
Title: Reality Author: Jenna Greene Rating: 5/5 Stars I was sent a copy of this novel in exchange for an…
Title: High School Magical: November Author: Deirdre Riordan Hall Rating: 4/5 Stars I received a copy of this story in…
Title: High School Magical: October Author: Deirdre Riordan Hall Rating: 4/5 Stars I received a copy of this story in…
Title: High School Magical: September Author: Deirdre Riordan Hall Rating: 4/5 Stars (I loved it!) I received a copy of…
Title: Ari Series: To Each His Ghost, #1 Author: S. M. Boyce Rating: 4/5 Stars I received a copy of…
Hello friends! So… one of my favorite things in the world are books! I like to read them, think about…
Title: The West Woods Author: Suzy Vadori Rating: 4/5 stars Release Date: Today!!! September 22, 2017 I was sent a…