Hi! I would like to start this off by thanking you for considering me to read and review your work! I put a lot of thought into my reviews and I love working with authors what are passionate about their projects. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my policy.

I am currently CLOSED for review copies for books in electronic, audio, and print. They can be ARCs or published (traditional or self).

Genres I will Accept

  • YA
    • Contemporary
    • Fantasy
    • Historical fiction
    • Horror/thriller
    • Mystery
    • Romance
    • Science fiction
  • Adult
    • Adventure
    • Fantasy
    • Historical fiction
    • Horror/thriller
    • Mystery
    • Non-fiction (but I am picky)
    • Popular/mainstream fiction

I am pretty open about the genres I read. If it is not on this list you are still welcome to ask in an email (found down below).

Where will the Review be Posted?

I will post to review on this blog, on Goodreads (if available), and Amazon (if available). If there are any specific places you would like me to post the review, please talk to me and I will let you know if I can accommodate.

What Happens After you Contact me?

I review all my emails and will respond within a week, if I am accepting. I get a lot of emails and don’t always have the time to respond to them all. Unfortunately, if I do not respond to your email it means I feel I am not the right person to read and review your work. Thank you so much for considering me!

After you contact me, and I have chosen to accept your request, you will get an email from me within the week.

If I do not Enjoy the Book

I appreciate the time and effort put into writing and publishing a book, however, I cannot guarantee that I will love every book that I read. If I do not enjoy the book, I will most likely still post a review on my blog, Goodreads, etc., however, I will not contact you and send you a link to my review, like I generally do with positive reviews. I am only accepting books that I believe I will enjoy, so this rarely happens.

Rating System

  • 5/5 stars: I am obsessed, want to reread it, and would highly recommend
  • 4/5 stars: I loved the book and found it enjoyable
  • 3/5 stars: I liked the book but I was not attached to it, was able to easily put it down
  • 2/5 stars: I was not a fan of the book and I found things boring or aggravating
  • 1/5 stars: I most likely DNFed it or it conflicted strongly with my views

How to Contact Me

Please email me at bookish.coffee.tea@gmail.com to request a review.

In this email please include:

  • Synopsis of book
  • Release date (If pre-publication)
  • Date review is due (if applicable)
  • Other information about yourself (author) or the book that will help me with the review process

Again, thank you so much for reading my policy and considering me to read your book. It is a huge honor and something I absolutely love to do!