Book Review: Reality by Jenna Greene


Title: Reality

Author: Jenna Greene

Rating: 5/5 Stars

I was sent a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

This is a spoiler free review.


Kat, Becky, Ino, and the rest of the crew has just defeated Nandor and are spending time in Sorc, a village deeply effected by the previous darkness. The three Elementals begin to experience problems with their magic and mysterious messages show up through many villages and provinces, warning of the dangers of magic. Through this, Kat decides to set out on a quest into a dangerous province to find something that will impact Becky’s life forever. This book follows the characters as they search for things that might not exist, while dealing with a “Coalition” that hopes to expel all magic from the kingdom.


Trigger Warning- sexual Assault, violence, or rape: In Chapter 33 an attack by a fictional creature resembles sexual violence.

This is the sequel to Imagine and takes place in the same setting, while following the same characters. This novel contains the amazing description and world building that I talked about in my review of the first novel. I cannot express how talented this author is and you can tell how much time was spent on the setting, plot, and characters. All of the details are meticulously thought out. The pictures that are painted through the author’s words constantly surprise me. There is a significant increase in magical creatures in this sequel and they are all beautifully described, from their appearance to the way they move. The descriptive vocabulary, and the diction in general, is heightened in the sequel, painting an even better image. The author is also successful at creating suspense when needed and implementing action in a graceful manner.

The characterization in the story remains strong. All of the characters are fully fleshed out and different from one another. I like to imagine characters in random situations to see if I can imagine how they would act and react. I am able to do this with these characters which proves how fully developed they are. I especially like when Becky and Kat have to explain things from the non-magical world like robots and popcorn, perpetuating their roots in a different world from the other characters. All of the characters have specific mannerisms that show throughout the novel. For example, Kat often pulls her mouth to the side of her face while she is thinking. Even the many mystical creatures are fully developed, with different personalities and cultures. In a particular part of the book, creatures called “fire giants” portray specific personality traits. One fire giant, named Lum-Num, ended up being incredibly important on their journey. All of the characters are incredibly realistic. Even with their faults, none of them annoy or frustrate me. All of the characters are incredibly dynamic, learning and changing greatly throughout the story.

I am so glad that the Brownies are back! I love Alana and Petie because they are so pure and they love Becky so much. Honestly they are my favorite characters in this series. I think they are so important to the story and helping Becky along the way. I also love the relationship/friendship between Becky and the Brownies. The fact that they are the most powerful creatures in the book is also so interesting because they are so small and unimportant to the other characters. The Brownies received a lot of characterization in this sequel.

Another layer to this novel is the hunt against magic that is occurring throughout the kingdom. A Coalition comes in and immediately holds power over people, persecuting those who are not even involved with magic, simply because of their occupation or species. This reminds me greatly of the Salem witch trials that occurred in the late 1600s. I find this allusion to history fascinating, especially because I am so interested in this topic. I am curious who is really behind this new movement and why it is occurring. We are given a hint that it may have magic behind it but I want to learn more!

This novel is full of small details that make reading much more enjoyable. Sometimes they are unexpected and caught me off guard… in a completely positive way. Kat and Becky are from our world and there are small hints woven within the story. For example, they try to explain and understand different forms of magic by relating it to their knowledge such as relating something to a projector. They even have popular culture references. When the crew was visiting a school for learned magic we hear Becky exclaim, “yay! …we’re going to Hogwarts.” There are many random bits of humor in this story that I appreciate and help move the darker parts of the plot along.

The action is well described however it is often right after another. I was worried about this until I realized that there are nice breaks in between that make the action bearable for someone who may not like those aspects of fantasy novels. Something I really appreciate about this series is how gender is not an issue in any of the action. Through all of the action, everyone is involved and helping, which is how it should be.

This high fantasy novel is perfect for those seeking adventure and magic. It is full of mystical creatures, dangerous journeys, and relatable characters. This story kept me on the edge of my seat, wanting to continue reading. The story plays like a film in my head and I can actually imagine it on the big screen. I highly recommend this book to fantasy lovers or those looking to dip their feet in the metaphorical “fantasy pool”. We are left on a cliffhanger and I am definitely hoping that there will be more in this series.

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