Happy 3rd Blogiversery!!

And what a journey it has been. Can anyone believe that this is my third year of being in this incredible community? I have learned, changed, and grown so much over the past three years. The spur-of-the-moment decision to start a blog has actually changed my career path so I think it is safe to say that I am better for joining this community.

To celebrate such a momentous occasion (at least for me) I wanted to compile a list of things I learned through the book community that I have transferred to other parts of my life.

  1. DNF: I struggle with this, both in my bookish and normal life. I was always taught to finish what I started, which is what I am sure many of us were, and this has transferred to how I viewed books. If I was not enjoying a book, I would continue to push through, often bringing me into huge reading slumps. However, with the help of this beautiful community, I have learned to simply give those books up. Reading isn’t a job… unfortunately… so why did I continue to make one of my favorite hobbies unenjoyable? I am starting to push this into my regular life as well. I have started to simply let go of things, people, and situations that do not make me happy, and I am better for it.
  2. Never Give Up: “Wow,” you say. “Jackie is a genius. I have never heard this before.” I know. Everyone under the sun and moon tell you to never give up, but this point wasn’t driven home until I joined the bookish community. Book blogging is so rewarding in so many ways but it is definitely not at the same level as some other communities in regards to opportunities. I have been going at this for three years and I have had my ups and I have had my downs but I always continue coming back.
  3. Enjoy: Life can be stressful. I am sure we are all aware of that. However, interacting with amazing bookish people on the Internet, I have learned to focus on enjoying my life, and all the little, amazing things that come with it. Enjoy that I am able to read, enjoy the people I talk to, and enjoy my friend and family. Does this sound cheesy?

I have enjoyed my time here so much, that I also wanted to set some goals for myself in regards to my blog that I would love to accomplish before February 3, 2020, my next blogiversery. If I remember, I am going to come back to this post next year and see how successful I was. Hold me to them, okay?

  1. Go self-hosted: I have been playing with this idea for some time now, and I have also been doing a lot of research. This is something I really want to do soon but I feel lost on how to do it and what companies I should use. If anyone has any ideas, can we talk? Comment below or message me on my social media accounts… pretty please!
  2. Be more consistent: I think if you look at my blog for the past three years, you can always find a couple months out of each year where I no longer exist on the Internet. However, we are not going to let this happen, are we? I feel like I should put a number to this, so I am going to say that I want to post four times a month for all 12 months until my next blogiversery. This is my first one! I can do this!
  3. Interact more: If I was given any good advice when starting my blog, it was to interact more and I can say, this is completely true! It is not fun to blog into the void, talking to absolutely no one. Once I started interacting with others, my life as a blogger became 100% better and I want to continue getting better at this.
  4. My bookstagram: This one isn’t exactly only about my blog but it is definitely related. My bookstagram had its third birthday only a couple of weeks ago, on January 16. This made me realize that it has been a while since I actively tried to improve my photos. I have started experimenting with new photo styles and I love how it is turning out, and I can’t wait to share it.
  5. Write more: This goal is both related and unrelated to my blog. I mean… I have to write to own a blog… but I also started my second book in January, and I am really excited about the project. I don’t want this project to fall into the cracks like many others I have started. I am setting a 500 words a day goal and I hope to finish the book by the end of 2019.
  6. My shop: If you didn’t know, I have been slowly putting some cute cartoon designs up on Redbubble. However, It has been over a year since my last design was posted. I am going to be wild and say I want to put up ten new designs up this year.
Here is an example of my designs on my Redbubble shop!

Talk to me!

What have you learned through your time in the bookish community?

Do you know when your blog birthday is?

Do you set goals for yourself, every year, for your blog?

Let me know in the comments below!



49 thoughts on “Happy 3rd Blogiversery!!”

  1. Happy blogiversary.. Congratulations 🎊 💃 🎉.. Many more writing years to you. I followed you in insta.
    Interact more when you have time is all I have learnt and be nice and kind to oneself and to all.
    I went on WP personal plan as I am not good with self hosting technology.
    No goals just plan to enjoy it all 😍

  2. Congrats on the 3 years! I think what I have learned is never be afraid to try something new, even if it doesn’t work quite work out how you would like!

  3. Congrats on three years and good luck with reaching your goals! For me, I have learned that it’s okay to do (or not do) whatever I want with my blog as long as I still enjoy doing it. I have stopped setting specific goals because I just don’t have the time to invest in reaching them, but that’s okay for me, and hopefully a time will come when I can make blogging more of a priority again. 🙂

    1. Thank you, and that is absolutely right! Sometimes us bloggers can feel pressure to do things as other do them and that is not necessary. Your blog is your own space on the internet. You do you!

  4. Congrats!! Well done on your DNF evolution, it’s something I still struggle with. I always hope the book will redeem itself!

    1. Thank you! I still feel new to the blogging world because it took me so long to get into a groove. I am still trying to find a good groove. I hope I never stop learning about this beautiful community.

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