Becca’s Bookopoly Readathon: What’s on my TBR?

Is there a time of year that you do most of your reading? A time that just fills you with so much motivation you can’t stop. For me, that time comes in the Fall and Winter. There is something about the cold weather that makes me want to cuddle up in bed with a cup of hot cocoa and a good book. So, while I am waiting for the Hocus Pocus Readathon that I host with a couple of other book lovers each season, I started searching for some September readathons and I decided on Becca’s Bookopoly.

Click here to see last year’s Hocus Pocus Readathon!

I found Becca’s Bookopoly last year, and I absolutely love the concept. However I was too late to participate last year, so I knew I couldn’t miss it this year. This is one of the most creative readathons I have seen in a long time, and I am thrilled to be participating this year.

I am not going to describe the readathon in full in this post because it is so unique and developed, it would take all day. But, you can follow the links below to visit the youtube announcement and google docs describing everything in detail. I recommend checking out the Youtube video before anything else. Becca describes it wonderfully and goes through each prompt on the board.

Youtube Announcement

Google Doc Explanation

Board and Game Pieces

Basically, this readathon is a huge board game, where you roll a dice and whatever spot you land on decides what will be on your TBR. It is super fun and super flexible. You decide how many books you want to read by how many times you roll the dice.

Like the creator of the readathon, Becca and The Books, I will be rolling the dice 5 times and creating my TBR from there. However, if I roll doubles I have to add books to my TBR!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on the title of the book will take you to Amazon where you can purchase the book. I will make a small commission from these purchases, which help keep this site running. Thank you for the support!

Pink flower border

Roll #1: Community Shelf: Read a Non-YA Book

For the community shelf, I had to create cards with different prompts on them at random, so the prompt I pulled from the deck was to read a book from my TBR that is not YA.

Book cover of The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang

For this prompt, I selected The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang. I bought this book last year with the intention of reading it with a group of friends… I never actually read the first page. SO, now is a great time to read it. I have heard so many wonderful things about this book, I can’t wait to get lost in the pages.

Roll #2: Hyped

Read a book that a lot of people talk about, or has good reviews.

An Ember in the Ashes book cover

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabba Tahir has probably been on a readathon TBR for me 10 times already, and I have yet to start it. I have a habit of doing that. But I know everyone and their mom has read this book, and I have heard a lot of good reviews. Let’s hope it lives up to the hype!

Roll #3: Community Shelf: Read a Book with a Black Cover

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo book cover

This was an easy choice as I have been wanting to read this for a while. I would love to read Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo so I can finally watch the Netflix series that came out earlier this year. Does anyone know if I have to read the sequel before watching the show?

Roll #4: Steal a Book

For this prompt, I am to steal a book from someone else’s TBR.

Book cover of City of Brass my S.A. Chakraborty

I am stealing this book from The Book Worm’s Feast. I noticed that they will also be participating in the Bookoplathon, and City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty was already on my TBR for this year, so perfect! Go Check out their post and TBR for the month of September!

I bought this book after listening to raving reviews because I am a sucker for a hyped book.

I was initially planning on doing 5 rolls. However, when you roll doubles you have to add a book to your list, and I rolled doubles twice! So here are 2 more books for my TBR.

Roll #5: Most Recent Purchase

This prompt can also include your most recently acquired books

Tender is the Flesh by agustina Bazterrica

I recently got a loan of the audiobook for Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica from the library. When I heard it was horror, it immediately added to my TBR list. I don’t really know anything more but I will let you know if I enjoy it once I have read it. I have seen a couple people read it and love it.

Roll #6: Community Shelf: Read a Book that has Been Adapted for the Screen

Tiny Pretty Things book cover

Yet another book that has been on my TBR forever. I am particularly excited about Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton because it involves dancers. I have also been impatiently waiting to watch the Netflix series until after I have read the books. This book will certainly be a 5 star read for me.

Roll #7: TBR Game

For this prompt, you are supposed to choose your read based on a different TBR game of your own or someone else’s. I have a TBR jar, and I am pretty sure that counts as a TBR game, so that is how I selected this book.

Crown of Feathers book cover

Not much explanation of choice here, since this was a random selection. But super excited to read Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto nevertheless. I have never read a book about Phoenixes, and I think that is a pretty cool topic to read about.

Pink flower border

With my luck, my dice rolls for readathon lead me to have very long books on my list, plus adding 2 more… IDK how I am going to have time to read all of these. But I sure as heck going to try like I always do.

I can’t wait to dive into all these fun reads. For this readathon, I chose most of my books exclusively from this list of books I want to finish by the end of 2021. So I am hoping to make a good dent in that, while also enjoying this adorable and detailed readathon.

Comment below if you are planning on joining in on this readathon, I would love to follow along with you, and see your TBR!

Thanks for reading!

Love, Jackie

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