31 Winter Book Blog Post Ideas: Blogmas Post Ideas for Book Bloggers

What is your favorite season and why is it winter? Nah, I’m just kidding, but I do think, with absolutely no evidence backing me up, that winter is one of the most beloved seasons, and you can’t change my mind about that. This is why I love creating content for this season so much! I always feel so merry reading everyone talk about their favorite winter books, activities, foods, etc. So, I have created this list of 31 winter book blog post ideas for the book bloggers out there, so that we never run out of ideas for posts this time of year.

Whether you are participating in Blogmas this year, or you just want to create as much winter-themed content for your book blog as you can, I have the list for you! I have 31 bookish winter blog post ideas that are sure to spark some festive creativity this season.

I have gotten so many of my book blog post ideas over the years from lists just like this one. This is one of the reasons I love the online book community so much. The spread and sharing of ideas is an endless cycle of creativity. It is a really cool community to be a part of.

Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle… with a good book. When the wind is blowing outside, I love to lose myself in the pages of a dark fantasy novel or escape the weather in a romance story set in the summer. But whatever I am reading, I know I will be cozy and happy.

So, if you are also looking to spread some holiday joy this year with your book blog, here is a list of winter book blog post ideas!

image of a book, her body and other parties by carmen maria machado, on top of other books

What is Blogmas?

Before I start, I want to talk about what blogmas is, and what to expect from my blog this month.

Blogmas is an event, much like Blogtober, where content creators challenge themselves to create a new blog post every day in December. These posts are usually winter-themed, but they can be whatever the creator desires.

While some people complete Blogmas over the course of the entire month, with 31 posts in 31 days, others choose to complete 13 days, like the 13 days of Christmas.

But in all honesty, you can post one blog post in December and it would be Blogmas in my books. Life is busy, so finding time to write about books and winter is incredible by itself. Whatever way you want to celebrate Blogmas is wonderful and exciting!

Why am I participating in Blogmas?

I have participated in Blogtober for years now, and I always have so much fun challenging myself in creating content. However, this year will be the first time I do Blogmas and I am both excited and nervous!

Doing these events with only a month in between might be a little difficult, not going to lie. This is probably why not ALL my content will be winter-themed. I am going to try, however, I might have to stray into some normal content through the month just to finish. But I guess we will see.

I chose to participate this year mainly to stretch my creative bounds and to make use of the blogging motivation I have been feeling. For the past couple of years, I took unintentional months off from blogging after Blogtober because I was so drained of content. But this year I am still feeling okay, so I figured I would keep pushing.

This may be a very good decision or a very bad decision… we’ll have to find out!

If you like reading non-bookish content as well, you can check out my lifestyle blog, Jackie Em, where I will also be completing Blogmas! Those will all be winter-themed posts!

Image of books with food descriptions

Winter Book Blog Post Ideas

Alright, now for the ideas! Use any or all of these ideas! They are free to you! Or just use them as a bouncing point for all your creative genius!

  1. What is on your December TBR?
  2. Book review of a book set in winter
  3. Winter-themed book tag
  4. Gift guide for a book lover
  5. Bookish holiday ornaments you have on your tree
  6. The best fantasy books set in winter
  7. Beach read recommendations to escape the winter chill
  8. List of your favorite genres to read during the winter months
  9. How you decorate your bookshelves for winter
  10. What books are on your holiday wishlist?
  11. Wrap-up of the best books you read this year
  12. 10 fictional places where you would want to spend the holidays
  13. What is your nighttime winter routine as a reader?
  14. Bookish holiday decorations you have in your home
  15. What books are on the top of your TBR for next year?
  16. How can you spread the joy of reading in your town this holiday season?
  17. List of romance novels that give you the warm and fuzzies this time of year
  18. Write about the goals you have for your book blog next year
  19. “If you like this holiday movie, you will like this book” post
  20. New releases you are excited for next year
  21. What debut authors did you fall in love with this year?
  22. How do you protect your books when it is snowing and raining?
  23. Create a list of your favorite romance tropes in winter novels
  24. Do you prefer winter-themed romance novels or winter-themed mystery books? Explain why!
  25. Give holiday movie recommendations you think readers would love
  26. Book and coffee pairings, what goes well together?
  27. Book quotes about winter that you love
  28. Gift guides based on your favorite books
  29. What is on your bookish merchandise wish list?
  30. List of the best books you read this year
  31. Wrap-up of all the books you read in December

December is the final month of the year, which makes it a fantastic time to reflect on the year that has past, and set goals for the year to come. That is also true for book lovers and book bloggers.

I am so excited for 2022. I have been on a mission to find joy in my life, and I am doing that by finding joy and happiness in the little things. In years previous, I have dreaded the start of a new year. I would say, “I can’t believe we have to do this all over again!”

This year, I am trying something new. I am going to say, “I can’t believe we GET to do this all over again!” I want to see the new beginning as a positive rather than a negative!

So, with these winter book blog post ideas, I am going to enjoy the final month of the year, while preparing for an AMAZING new one.

Let me know if you are also participating in Blogmas! I would love to check out your content and support your blog posts! Let me know in the comments below!

Love, Jackie

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