20 Books I Plan to Read Before 2020

Alright, confession time, I am… a little bit behind on my Goodreads challenge this year. Okay, I am a lot behind. 21 books to be exact. But, this is a perfect excuse to make a post about the 20 books I plan to read before 2020 hits, in order to complete my goal! I am still full of hope, despite having only two months left. I just have to keep reading! Just like Dory always tells us.

Just keep swimming Dory gif

Honestly, I am making this post mostly as a motivational tool for me. If I put it out in the world, it has to happen… right?

Here are the 20 books I am planning on reading this year to finish my Goodreads challenge, for the first time ever. I know this list only contains 20 books, and I need to read 21, but you know, it made the title cuter so…

Border of hand drawn pumpkins

Some of these books, I have started because they were on my October TBR, but I am including them anyway because they will still be going towards my Goodreads challenge.

So, in no particular order, here are the 20 books I plan to read before 2020

Border of hand drawn pumpkins

You know, it doesn’t look too bad when I put them all together. But I do only have two months… If all else fails, at least I made this beautiful mosaic of beautiful book covers. Also, I am definitely a mood reader, so who knows if I will even stick to this TBR!

If any of these books interest you, and you want to help support Bookish Coffee Blog, consider purchasing them through by Book Depository Affiliate link. I will make a small commission from every purchase made through this link with no impact on you. Thank you!

Let me know down below if you have read any of these stories, and what you thought about them.

Love, Jackie

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