10 Reasons Autumn is the Best Time of Year for Readers

I know my favorite season is Autumn, which you probably now know as well based on how much I talk about it. But I have this idea that Autumn is also the best time of year for readers. Maybe it is just something in the air, but I feel like readers thrive during the Fall season. Let’s be honest, the aesthetics are definitely there for taking the perfect bookstagram photo.

Over the first week of blogtober, I have already compiled many lists of the spooky, cozy, and magical books that I love reading during the months of September, October, and November. Now I want to talk a little bit about the season itself. There are just certain things about these colder months that make me want to read all the books!

Border of hand drawn pumpkins

1. Rainy weather is the best weather to read

Okay but like, so you ever sit and imagine yourself sitting in front of a huge bay window, rain pouring down outside. That sound of the droplets hitting the ground in waves as you sit, lost between the pages of a fantastic world. Just me?

I dream of this constantly. When i think of my perfect day, it includes rain, books, warm coffee, and a lot of dog cuddles. Fall often brings a lot of rain! Not where I live… unfortunately, but definitely in a lot of places. So enjoy that rain, kick up your feet, and read a book!

2. Pumpkin spiced lattes are the perfect reading drink

jack-o-lantern cup and fall leaves

What is your favorite reading drink? For me it is a warm cup of anything, coffee, tea, or hot cocoa. Anything to calm me and center me as I dive into a story.

well, if it is warmth you are searching for, it is warmth you will get. Pumpkin spiced latte fill me with so much warmth from the very first sip. They are the drink of the season, and they are also the perfect drink to read with.

3. The best books come out this time of year

I am not the biggest fan of comedy reads, or romance, so this is the time of year that I really shine. My favorite genres are horror and fantasy. The books about magical places and ghosts. Publishers know what they are doing, so these books are usually released in September and October.

I can’t tell you how many books I add to my TBR each fall season. It is probably way too much…

4. Pumpkin candles really get you in the mood to read

It must be the pumpkin. Similar to my coffee of choice, pumpkin scented candle create the perfect atmosphere for losing myself in words.

Honestly, it doesn’t have to be pumpkin specific, but it definitely has to be fall. Cinnamon, clove, and apples. Anything fall is perfect. Those fruity, tropical, and bright scents just aren’t the same during the other months of the year.

fall candle and book

5. Pumpkins and fall leaves make the best bookstagram props

Scrolling through my Instagram feed has become one of the best ways to pass time during this season. Some of you book worms are so amazing and incredible and creative. It blows my mind to see all the amazing and aesthetic photography I see on my feed.

I also have so much fun trying to create some beautiful bookish content too. I love including pumpkins and leaves in my photos during the fall months.

6. Fantasy books hit different when it is chilly outside

Who knows why, but I feel like most fantasy books are set largely during the colder months, fall and winter. Aren’t we always seeing beautiful red and orange trees, or snow on the ground?

It is so hard to lose myself in a story when it is 100 degrees outside and I am drinking lemonade or a smoothie. It just doesn’t have the same effect on me. Which is probably why everyone reads so many contemporary books over the summer.

7. It’s called curling up with a good book, not sweating with a good book

I mean, come on. The phrase literally says, “curl up with a good book,” and I am not going to be curling up when it is over 100 degrees outside and I am sweating. That is just not comfortable for anyone.

It is so much easier and joy inducing when I curl up in a huge fluffy blanket when it is cold. Preferably with my dogs close by.

8. It is that final end of the year push

I have so much motivation to read this time of year. I think it is realizing how behind I am on my Goodreads challenge (because I am always behind), but I read so much.

That is such a good feeling, being constantly ready to read. We all love reading, why else would we be here? But we also all know what a reading slump feels like. When you have no motivation to do the one thing you are positive you love. That is no fun, so the rush of finally having the motivation to read is so satisfying.

9. Book characters make the best Halloween costumes

I am going to be honest with you all, I have never dressed as a book character for halloween. But that is probably because I really got into book after I stopped dressing up.

I miss dressing up and walking around just to get some candy. What a weird tradition. Anyway, there won’t be any Halloween parties this year, but you can still have fun dressing up as your favorite book characters! Maybe for a pic for the gram?

Check out the list of ideas I came up with last year for bookish Halloween costumes!

10. The book worm aesthetic is Autumn

When you here the phrase book worm what do you see? I see scarves, hats, and racing towards the library with books in arms. I see spending hours in the library as it pours outside, oblivious to anything but the pages in front of you. I see a steaming cup of coffee and mystical worlds unfolding before your eyes.

Fall is the aesthetic of book worms and book worms love the fall aesthetic. I don’t make the rules.

Illuminae book with fall leaves
Border of hand drawn pumpkins

Goodness gracious I love fall. I think my favorite reason on this list is the fall book worm aesthetic. That is honestly my goal. I want my wardrobe to resemble that, by thoughts to resemble that, and my home decor to resemble that. Big book cases and lot’s of adorable bookish mugs.

What is your favorite bookish thing about Autumn? Let me know in the comments below!

Love, Jackie

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