The Bookish Naughty List Book Tag


I hope your holidays are going well! I have been very busy but it looks like things are settling down. I saw this tag on Jacquie (Rattle the Stars)’s page, and I wanted to complete it. I was not tagged but I am just going to go for it. Also, by the time I am posting this, it is after Christmas but… Oh well. Please enjoy!


Christmas is my favorite time of the year!


So I am very excited to learn that there is a book tag dedicated to this. Let us begin. I think I will make this into a game and tally up the points because I am bored and why not?

The Bookish Naughty List

  1.  Received an ARC and not reviewed it– I have a couple eARCs that have been in my possession for a long time but I fully intend on reading and reviewing them. I always feel so bad when I do this haha. I actually just finished one of them so I am feeling very proud of myself! [0 points]
  2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on NetGalley- I made a NetGalley account a while ago but have never requested an ARC. If I am going to be honest, I have no idea what this means haha. [0.5 points?]
  3. Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)- I have never done this. I tend to finish the review right after I finish the book so I can remember details about the book. Even though I have a notebook for the books I am reviewing, I still forget things. [0 points]
  4. Folded down the page of a book- I used to do this a lot when I was younger but I have not done this in a long time. [1 point]
  5. Accidentally spilled on a book- Oh yes… I am still upset. I have done this a couple of times but my most recent was a couple years ago, I fell asleep with a cup of water on my bed (don’t ask how that happened) and it spilled on my copy of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. [1 point]
  6. DNF a book this year- I don’t usually DNF books. I try to power through even though I know it is a waste of my precious time. The only book I recall DNFing is Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs, which was last year. I am thinking of picking this one up again because so many people love this book. We will see… [0 points]
  7. Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it- I am highly attracted to beautiful books but I will always have the intention of reading the book. I want to read all of the work the author put into the story. [0 points]
  8. Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)- Always. [1 point]
  9. Skim read a book- I do this all the time for school books. I don’t know if I have ever fully read a school book… whoops. [1 point]
  10. Completely missed your Goodreads goal- I have never hit be Goodreads goal TBH. But I have high hopes for next year. I am currently very far away from my reading goal (33/50 books). [1 point]
  11. Borrowed a book and not returned it- When I was graduating high school my elementary school contacted me saying I had a book that I never returned from the library. I have no memory of the book they are talking about. They almost withheld my transcript but we called and got it figured out. I also am in possession of my cousin’s book. I keep meaning to give it back to her but she lives out of state. But I am going to return it as soon as I can. [1 point]
  12. Broke a book buying ban- I am constantly telling myself that I am on a book buying ban and I am always breaking them. [1 point]
  13. Started a review, left it for ages, then forgot what the book was about- No. Like i mentioned earlier, I complete reviews as soon as I finish the book or I feel uncomfortable. I am weird… I know! [0 points]
  14. Wrote in a book you were reading- I have never wrote in books that I read for pleasure but I have for school books. [1 point]
  15. Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads- No. I want to try and complete my goal so I am always updating my Goodreads account. [0 points]

Points: 8.5/15

Wow… I guess I can be expecting coal in my bookish stocking this year. I really enjoyed completing this tag about hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about my guilty reading habits. Let me know your answers to the questions!




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