My Writing Journey: The Beginning

Hello Everyone,

Today I thought I would do something different and dive into something personal. My goal to become a published author. I have always enjoyed writing. I mean… I have a blog, I sure hope I enjoy it! I still have a folder in my closet full of old, crumpled up pieces of notebook paper with all of my stories from when I was young. One about a sad rainbow, one about a duck, a cat, and a dog that build a spaceship and fly to the moon. What can I say? I had an… active imagination. But, I love it. I like the possibility of impacting someone else’s life with my words just as my life has been impacted by the words of countless other authors.

This dream is relatively new to me. I loved the idea however I never thought I could do it. But I am honestly at a point in my life where I want to just go for it.

“So,” you ask. “What’s the point of this blog post, then?”

Well, I want to allow you guys to follow me as I set out on this mission to publish my first novel (and hopefully many more). So, here is the beginning of my writing journey! This post is also for me. I want to document my own journey so I am able to look back on it and see how much I have grown.

This is how I feel right now!

What am I doing now?

  1. Practicing(!!!!): I am currently spending all my energy writing as much as I can. I am writing short stories, paragraphs, descriptions of the cereal box that is sitting in front of me. Anything I can think of (or get from prompts on the internet). I hear this is the best way to improve writing so… I am doing it.
  2. Drafting ideas… and writing them: When I started this journey, I wanted to practice a lot before I went full-throttle into one of my book ideas. I wanted to develop a feel for writing first. So, for about a month, I did just that. Practiced and created ideas. Until… I joined a writing group and made the spur of the moment decision to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo through the month of July 2018! This was the first book I was going to try to write and it was crazy! But, I did it! I wrote all 50,000+ words and I couldn’t be happier with myself. And now? I am writing my second book! One that I am so excited about, and I can already feel how much I have improved.

Where will I go from here?

  1. More practice. I don’t think writers ever stop practicing, with every book that they write. The more practice I have, the better I feel about writing. I mean… look at my first blog post. TRASH! Actually, don’t look at it. It is actually terrible. Why have I not deleted it yet?
  2. Post some of my short stories here! Maybe… If you will have me. I would love to put myself out there from the very beginning because it will allow me to get over that scary part of showing others my work. Not that I will ever get over that. But, who knows when this will happen.

Overall Goals?

  1. A novel
  2. A good novel
  3. A published novel
  4. A meaningful novel
  5. Anything the future might hold!

So there it is folks, the beginning of my journey. I hope you will stick with me on this ride and I hope you will enjoy these small updates.

Talk to me!

Do you enjoy writing?

What are some books that had a huge impact on your life?

What stands out to you mot about your favorite book?

What are some career goals that you have?

Let me know in the comments below!



16 thoughts on “My Writing Journey: The Beginning”

  1. I’m not a writer, even though I vaguely remember writing stories in a notebook at after school club when I was kid! But it’s really interesting to hear about others journeys and processes! 😊

    1. Thank you! I just feel lucky to be a ble to share my journey! A lot of my storie when I was younger were written at an afterschool program as well haha! I was always the last one picked up, so that is how I would spend my time.

  2. im not a writer and im not sure i everwill be, its not been something ive everreally thought about or wanred. i got to talk to jann and lauren last night and thry both spoke asbout wanting toi write and it was really nice hearing them be so passionate

  3. I’m not skilled in writing enough to be one, that’s been clear to me since a young age. I love reading books much better! But it’s nice to see how others are passionate about it. Good luck with it!

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