October is here, which means the Hocus Pocus Read-a-Thon is alive and well! It is already day 3, how are things going? I have been in such a reading mood, so I have good feelings about this readathon. If you have no idea what I am talking about, click here to learn about this amazing and fun readathon that just started! Although the readathon has already begun, I realized I never posted my TBR for the next couple of weeks. You can find my TBR for this entire month here, but I wanted to share how I was fulfilling each of the prompts. You can read my excited rants about each of these books by clicking that link as well.
Maybe I can give some inspiration to Team Sanderson Sisters (Go team!)
Disclaimer: Clicking the cover of each book will bring you to Book Depository. This is an affiliate link, which means I will make a small commission from every purchase made through this link, with no impact on you.

Potions, Spells, and Enchantments: Read a book with a witchy main character
The Sanderson Sisters have risen: Read a book with a female protagonist
The magic book is calling to you: Read a book that is spellbindingly atmospheric
The burning rain of death: Read a book that frightens you
Master satan is pleased with you: Read a book with a powerful villain
Work together with your team to take down those horrible children and become immortal: Read one of the group books
For the group book, I selected Serpent & Dove out of the two possible books.
Celebrate your victory by watching Hocus Pocus

Luckily, I already have this prompt taken care of! I watched the movie on October 1! I had to prepare myself for some intense reading this month! But don’t worry, I will undoubtedly watch the movie 5 more times before the month is up.

This was a short post, but I still wanted to make my official announcement of my TBR. If I’m being honest, it will keep me motivated, now that you all know what I am planning on reading. Let me know if you’ve read any of these, and what you think. I would love the hear from you!
Loved this post! I love your aesthetic. I’m so happy that you are one of the hosts for this readathon. 🙂
Thank you so much!
You know, I’ve never seen Hocus Pocus! I feel like maybe this is the year to finally watch it haha.
Cora | http://www.teapartyprincess.co.uk/
You should! I am going to be honest, it isn’t my favorite Halloween movie, but it is definitely a classic!