Fall Time Book Tag

We are practically halfway through October, how are we feeling? I always seem to forget that autumn continues after Halloween, but honestly, all the fun is over by the 31st. I am not the biggest fan of Thanksgiving food anyway, so it is just the long boring month between Halloween and Christmas. This also means that we are half-way through Blogtober and I have been successful!!! So far. But, I am incredibly proud of myself for coming this far, and I am not planning on stopping anytime soon. Let’s keep this energy up until the end of the month… or the end of the year!

Anyway, random rant over, I found this fall book tag on Late Night Reading, and I am unnecessarily determined to do as many fall tags as I can. Let’s do this!

Disclaimer: Clicking the cover of each book will take you to book depository, where you can purchase the book. This is an affiliate link, meaning I will make a small commission from every purchase made, with no impact on you.

Border of hand drawn pumpkins

Crunching Leaves: The world is full of color – choose a book that has reds, oranges, and yellows on the cover

Book cover of Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

This one is pretty explainable. I have been doing so many of these tags, I am going to need to start searching if I want unique answers to these questions each time! Although this cover doesn’t scream fall, it does have very vivid reds, oranges, and yellows.

Cozy Sweater: It’s finally cold enough to don warm cozy clothing – what book gives you the warm fuzzies?

Book cover of The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O'Neill

Just go back to every single fall book tag post on my blog to hear why I love this graphic novel so much. I have probably talked about this cute piece of art so many times, it is annoying. Oh well, someone get me a tea dragon pronto!

Fall Storm: The wind is howling & the rain is pounding – choose your favorite book OR genre that you like to read on a stormy day

My definite go to genre is fantasy! Nothing makes me happier than escaping into a completely different world full of magic and mystical creatures. I would give one million bucks for it to rain more where I live so I could experience that magic that is reading fantasy while listening to rain. But for now, I will have to take what I can. These three books are on my current TBR and they are all SUPER witchy! Perfect for fall!

Cool Crisp Air: What’s the coolest character you’d want to trade places with?

Book cover of A Curse so Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

Honestly, Harper is the strongest/coolest characters out there, and I would love to have that sort of bravery (since I have none). Also, it would be pretty nice to have Grey and Rhen at my beck and call. Oh, and all the fresh food from the castle, that would be fun too!

Hot Apple Cider: What under hyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing?

Book cover of The Progeny by Tosca Lee

This was one of the most surprising reads of last year, and I wish more people knew about it. You can read my full review here, but basically, it follows the descendants of Bloody Mary. Spooky! It is a fun action/adventure novel that I wish more people knew about.

Coat, Scarves, and Mittens: The weather has turned cold & it’s time to cover up – What’s the most embarrassing book cover you own that you like to keep hidden in public?

I would like to say I am a shameless reader, and I will die defending everyone’s rights to read whatever makes them happy. But, I am going to be honest, sometimes I get embarrassed to be reading YA and middle-grade books as an adult. I catch myself lying to people about what I read because I fear their judgment, especially when I tell them I am a writer. I feel like they are expecting me to read high literature. Anyway, my point of saying this is, I rarely actually read YA and middle-grade books outside of my own home. If I do, I usually make sure it is a book cover that can look like an adult book. The Selection is just one of many that don’t fall into that category. I hate that I do this… but I do.

Pumpkin Spice: What’s your favorite Fall time comforts food/foods?

Gif of hot coffee and cookies

Not to hit this question right on the nose, but anything pumpkin flavored! I am shamelessly obsessed. I get excited every year when all the companies start putting out pumpkin flavored foods, and it seems to be coming sooner and sooner each year. They have everything now, cereal, ice-cream, dog treats, and much more. I recently bought myself pumpkin-spiced marshmallows and even pumpkin-spiced pumpkin seeds! I’m telling you, I’m obsessed.

Warm, Cozy Bonfire: Spread the cozy warmth – Who do you tag?

I am going to tag some of my new blogger friends!

Lana from Bibilomedico

Becky from Coffee, Cocktails, & Books

Sarah from Sarah’s Library of Stuff

El from Papertea & Bookflowers

Hina from Hina Loves to Read

I am also tagging anyone who wants to do this tag! I am all for spreading the autumn love through this fall book tag!

Border of hand drawn pumpkins

This tag was full of so many fun fall drinks. That is one of my favorite parts of the fall season, the warm drinks! What is your favorite warm drink? Mine, of course, is a good pumpkin-spiced latté!

Love, Jackie

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