The Sunshine Blogger Award

Hello Everybody!

I was nominated by the wonderful and amazing Flavia over at Flavia the Bibliophile for The Sunshine Blogger Award! I want to give my biggest thanks! Please go check her out because her blog is absolutely amazing and a pleasure to read!

This is my first nomination for an award, which is super exciting!



  1. Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the reward and write them 11 new questions
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog

Answers to Flavia’s questions!

1) What are you reading right now?

I am currently reading Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I am just starting it and I love it so much. Oh my goodness, this book is pulling me out of a reading slump and it is quite a swell feeling!

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2) What was your favorite read from 2016?

I really enjoyed The Testing trilogy by Joelle Charbonneau!

3) What is your favorite read of 2017 so far?

I loved Shadow and Bone, the first in the Grisha trilogy, written by Leigh Bardugo. I really need to finish the rest of the series!

4) Do you read more than one book at once? Why? Why not?

I didn’t until this year! Now I am reading three/five books at the same time. I think it is me trying to read my TBR, my review copies, and more all at the same time.

5) Do you enjoy reading classics?

I am currently reading Anna Karenina (One of the reasons I am reading multiple books at the same time). I sometimes feel like I should know these classics so I read them, but I prefer more modern literature. I do enjoy some classics such as A Separate Piece by John Knowles, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and 1984 by George Orwell.

6) What is your ideal reading spot?

I usually read in bed but I also love reading on a couch that sits at the front of my house because it gets a lot of natural light, which I love.

7) Do you read when you travel?

I do not travel a lot and when I do it is to see family so I usually do not have enough time. However, I bring many books to read for when I get a chance and for during the flight.

8) How many books do you read in a month (approximately)?

Um… it varies. Somewhere between 2-4

9) How many books do you read in a year (approximately)?

I read about 20 last year, I think. But I set my goodreads goal to 50 this year for some reason. I guess I had a burst of confidence…

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10) What is your favorite genre? Why?

I love science fiction, fantasy, and dystopian. I usually read in the YA age group.

11) Do you read more during a particular season than other seasons?

I read more in the summer and winter than in the fall and spring. Interesting question, I wonder why that it.

My Nominations

I wish I could nominate each and every on of you because you are all rays of sunshine! But alas, I must choose only eleven. If you are not nominated, feel free to answer my questions!


Sydney’s Shelves

Suzy Approved Book Reviews

Little Blind Book Finds

Taylor Reads Books




Going Through Books

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You are all amazing and would love to get to know you better through my questions!

My Questions

  1. What are some of your favorite books?
  2. Paperback or Hardcover?
  3. What time of the day do you do the most of your reading?
  4. When did you start your blog and why?
  5. Are you a fast reader or a slow reader (I am slow)?
  6. What is your favorite genre to read?
  7. What do you like to drink while you read? Coffee, tea, etc.?
  8. How do you organize your books?
  9. Do you keep the dust jacket on while you read hard covers if you do?
  10. What are some of your favorite movies?
  11. Do you like candles? If so, what are your favorite types of scents?

Again, I could only nominate eleven I want to know everyone’s answers! Put them in the comment section!

Thank you!



0 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. Thanks for the tag. I didn’t read more than one book at time until I started blogging and joined the book community. Now I usually have 2-3 ish going on at once.

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