The ABC Book Challenge: C


Time to continue learning our alphabet through books.

Current countdown until school starts: 3 days

Let’s see what Cool novels I can come up with for this post. Yes, I know… I’m a dork!

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Memorable Titles that Start with “C”

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins: I mean, it is a part of my favorite book series!

Cinder by Marissa Meyer: I just remember never wanting to sleep when I was reading this book. I rarely feel that way lately which is why it stood out to me. It was such an engaging read!

Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger: I remember this book vividly from when I read it in high-school.

Titles starting with “C” on my TBR

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black: I rarely hear anything bad about this book.

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi: The author just seems like such a magnificent person and she is so passionate about her book that it made me curious about it. I have heard many good things about this one. And the cover! It is to die for. I couldn’t stop staring at it after I bought it.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber: What can I say? I fall for hyped books all the time. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is next. Just you wait haha. Also, who doesn’t want a book about the circus? I am in the mood and I loved Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.

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Talk to me!

Do you like or dislike any of these books?

Any other memorable titles that start with “C”?

Let me know!



15 thoughts on “The ABC Book Challenge: C”

  1. Ahh I love these posts, I wish I could do them but I’d have the hardest time coming up with books 😭😂 Great post and also thank you for including The Hunger Games, I feel like everyone fell out of love with it and it’s awful because I love the series so much 😭❤️

    1. I feel like that too. It is my favorite series and I just want everyone to love it.
      I am honestly surprised that I have been able to come up with books. I mean I am only on C. I will have absolutely nothing for Q lol!

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