Pumpkin Spice Latté Book Tag

By now, you probably know that one of my favorite drinks during this time of year is an iced pumpkin spice latté. I get it any chance I can during this time of year, and it has to be iced considering it is going to get up to the 90s this week…

So, of course, I saw the Pumpkin Spice Latté Book Tag on Acquadimore Books, and I immediately brought it over to my own blog. The tag was originally created by The Book Pusher on Youtube. I am, as they say, a basic witch, so here is my obsession for everything pumpkin in Book Tag form!

Border of hand drawn pumpkins

Pumpkin spice latté: A book everyone likes to hate on but is delicious

Book cover of Divergent by Veronica Roth

I am going to be honest, I was trash for this series when I was younger, just like I am trash for pumpkin spice lattés. I read all of the books and looked forward to each movie release (remember when there was supposed to be an Allegiant part 2). Yes, this is the most basic, obvious YA dystopian book out there, and I love it.

“Fall is my favorite season”: A cliché you can’t get enough of

Book Covers of the Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

It seems that all of my favorite books contain the “chosen one” chliché. I don’t know, I think I like watching the character grow into their role as the hero. I find the hero’s journey rather fascinating. It is also a very typical cliché for fantasy, which is my favorite genre. I guess that makes sense.

Notice how I didn’t put a picture of The Hunger Games. I thought I would give you all a break.

Sweater Weather in the morning and T-Shirt Weather by the end of the day: A book you thought was one thing but was completely different by the end

Book cover of The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring

For those who have read the book, I don’t even need to explain myself. For those who have not, I really can’t explain myself. Either way, I am not going to go into much detail, but all I can say is, READ IT. You can find my spoiler-free review here.

“Spoops”: Do you have a spooky book on your TBR?

Book cover of The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

You probably all know that I have a long list of spoopy books to read this month. This one might be the spookiest, and I am planning on starting it next. You can see the rest of my spooky TBR here. I am doing a buddy read for this book, and I look forward to comparing it with the Netflix series, released one year ago.

Tarot reading: A five-star prediction

Book cover of The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

I am a huge fan of dark books, and that is exactly how The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo has been marketed. Based on the synopsis and what other people are saying about this book, I think it will grip me until the very end. Please hype, don’t let me down!

Sephora sage and crystal set: A book that meant well but missed the mark by a landslide

Book cover of Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

Yikes… I forgot all about the Sephora sage and crystal set. Capitalism at its finest, am I right? Anyway, a couple months ago I wrote a review of Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco. I thought the author presented an interesting historical fiction topic that I was so excited about, but it definitely missed the mark for me. The writing felt too juvenile and the characters were not fleshed out. I wish this book went through a couple more rounds of revision before it hit my bookshelf.

Border of hand drawn pumpkins

Thank you for letting me indulge in my love for the basics. Also, thank you for letting me complete every fall book tags under the sun. I have no idea why I want to do this, but I do. Anyway, I definitely couldn’t miss out on doing the Pumpkin Spice Latté Book Tag. It is my favorite drink!

Now, as I have said multiple times this month, I am going to go get myself a pumpkin spice latté!

Love, Jackie

1 thought on “Pumpkin Spice Latté Book Tag”

  1. Oh no! I have started making the pumpkin spiced lattés myself in an attempt to save money, but I am lucky enough to have them on every street corner, practically. I hope you can have one this season! I have my fingers crossed as well!

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