Hello everyone!
How are you doing? How has your April been going? This year is flying by, am I right?
So, as you may or may not know, The Avengers: Endgame is coming out on April 20th, and fans of the MCU are bursting with excitement! Also, as you may or may not know, I have always wanted to partake in a read-a-thon. Well, the perfect opportunity has come my way, and I am taking full advantage of it. The Perks of Being Noura has created an Avengers inspired read-a-thon and it is absolutely incredible. It runs from April 14- May 14. Please join, it is going to be so much fun. It only started yesterday, so you have plenty of time to join if you can!
Check out this post to find out more information on the Avengers Read-a-thon!
For this read-a-thon, we pick an assignment to complete based on beloved characters from the MCU. My chosen character is…

Of course, I had to chose my favorite character in the MCU! How could I not?
Spiderman’s assignment has six different prompts, which is… a lot… for me. But I am so determined, and I really wanted to do my favorite character, so catch me reading all this month, and doing absolutely nothing else (except watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer of course).

Anyway, here is my official TBR!
Disclaimer: Clicking on the title of any of these books will bring you to Book Depository, where you can purchase the book. I will make a small commission on every purchase made through this link with no impact to you. Thank you!

The Amazing Spider-Man: Graphic Novel or Comic

Oscorp: Revisit a favorite book

Spider-Man: Character with a secret identity

Peter Parker: Young adult book

Choose 1 Iron Man Challenge (Tony’s suit: Book with red on cover

Choose 1 Thor or Shuri challenge (Thor: Book with one word title)

Send my all of your reading vibes this month! I have my work cut out for me, but I am so excited to do this! All of these books have long been on my TBR, besides The Night Circus, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to read the. Honestly, I am afraid I am going to love some of these so much I will want to start the sequel before the month is over lol.
Also, this read-a-thon is going to give me the fantastic opportunity to catch up on my Goodreads reading challenge, which I am very behind on… already.
Talk to me!
Have you ever done a read-a-thon?
Are you excited about the Avengers movie?
Who is your favorite MCU character?
Let me know in the comments below!
This sounds like such a fun readathon! Good look with all your reading! Spider-Man is also my favourite Marvel character!
Thank you! I am so excited to finally be able to participate in one.
Good luck with your TBR. Vicious is a great read, I hope you enjoy it 🙂
Thank you so much! I am so excited for Vicious, I have heard so many good things about it.
This is my first readathon as well! Great TBR. I absolutely loved Scythe!
Yay! I am looking forward to participating! Good luck. Scythe is one of those books that I know I will love so I have been avoiding reading it haha. If that makes sense.
Thank you so much for joining! love your book choices too!
We are going to have so much fun! Thank you!
Thank you so much! And I totally understand, that is how I always feel when I see a TBR I want to join so I was thrilled that I could do this one! Endgame is going to be amazing! I can’t wait.
Thank you so much!
This looks like so much fun, good luck with the prompts! I loved Scythe, hope you enjoy it!
Thank you so much! I think I am the most excited about Scythe!
I love readathons!
Good luck, I hope you manage them all!
Thank you so much!
I am BEYOND excited for Endgame but so nervous too. This readathon sounds like a fab idea. I’m actually participating in the Easter Readathon this upcoming weekend but I’ll check this one out too 🙂
Definitely excited and nervous! Good luck with the Easter Readathon! I have see that one around.
So many readathons are going on now, just around the time I don’t have time. Your TBR looks amazing! Good luck with it!
Haha, that is how it usualy works for me too! Thank you so much! I’m excited to finally have time to participate, and I hope you can find time soon!
This sounds like so much fun!!
So glad to know you’re participating in this read-a-thon as well, and considering that this is your first, I hope you have lots of fun! Your TBR sounds great, and I’ve been wanting to read Stalking Jack the Ripper for ages so I’m excited to find out your thoughts about the book once you’ve read it. I chose Scarlet Witch for this read-a-thon because aside from being one of my favorite characters, the prompts for her profile were convenient for me. Best of luck to you on this read-a-thon and happy reading!
Thank you so much! We are about half way through now and I’m very behind haha. But I’m thankful for the read-a-thon giving me the opportunity to read outside of my comfort zone. I hope you are enjoying it!
looks like a fun readathon w great challenges 🙂 hope you did great
Thank you!
Hope the Readathon goes well, love your Cap socks lol! My faves are Spider-Man, Thor and Hulk. Think my fave MCU films would be Homecoming, IW and End Game, ooo Guardians 2 too!
They are my favorite socks haha! I was so excited when I got them. Homecoming was so good! I loved that movie. Thank you!