I am Going on an Adventure: Scallywag-a-Thon TBR

I think I have a problem… I’m addicted to read-a-thons! Seriously though, every single time I come across a new read-a-thon on twitter, I am immediately trying to figure out how I can fit it into my month. And I am already in the middle of another, month-long read-a-thon, the Disney-a-thon! You can see my TBR for that here. But when I saw how creative and fun the Scallywag-a-Thon looked, I knew I had to join in! Some of the books are going to overlap with my Disney TBR, but I am adding a few new ones as well! Reading 7 books this month, even though I haven’t finished one and it is already the middle of August? SURE! Why not?

Pink flower border

What is the Scallywag-a-Thon?

All of this information is taken directly from their Twitter, including the images I use down below, so check that out for more! Full credit goes to the creators of the readathon, Ali, Amanda, and Vanessa. Click on each of their names to visit their twitter pages!

It is pretty simple. Your goal is to complete four stops on the map. (I know! A map! Us readers love our maps!)

Map for Scallywagathon

This map has so many different routes, the options are endless! I probably spent an hour trying to decide which route to take! I find this type of readathon so much fun, with a map and different options! The creators of the readathon describe it as a “choose your own adventure” and that is exactly what it is.

Each stop on the map corresponds to a reading prompt. You complete a book that meets that prompt and you can move onto the next! The path I am taking is 1, 6, B, 10.

prompts for scallywagathon

I love that these prompts are fun yet general enough that I am able to fit my current TBR into this readathon!

I have no idea how I am going to read 4 books in one week, but… I am sure as heck going to try!

What is on my TBR?

Prompt 1: Captain’s Cabin, A book by the most popular author on your TBR

Book cover of Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

I have a lot of popular authors on my list, so this prompt was not difficult to fulfill. The Red Queen has been on my TBR forever, and so many people either love it or hate it. I just want to see what it is all about.

Prompt 6: Bawdy Songs, Read a book with romance

Clap When You Land Book cover

I read The Poet X this summer and loved it. Elizabeth Acevedo is an incredible author and poet, and I immediately added their new book to my TBR. And I know this book contains romance, so perfect!

Prompt B: Lost at Sea, Read a book you had forgotten you owned

Book cover of This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

I bought this book so long ago, purely because Victoria Schwab had written it. I had never read a Victoria Schwab book, but everyone and their friend seemed to be obsessed, so I wanted to get in on the fun. But of course, like so many of the books I buy, it went onto my shelf and hasn’t moved since. Until now!

Prompt 10: Gold Doubloon, Read a book that was a cover buy

Scythe by Neal Shusterman book cover

Honestly, I could say every book I own is a cover buy. I am sitting here trying to think if there is one that is not… maybe a couple. But yeah, I have a lot of cover buys, and this one was no exception. I have also been wanting to read this book forever, so I am happy to fit it into my TBR. I am sure this will be a five-star read!

Pink flower border

How I am going to read all of these books in one week is beyond me, but this readathon sounded like so much fun I couldn’t resist. I just hope to spend all my free time reading. Let’s prey Netflix doesn’t distract me, or work doesn’t get busy!

Are you joining in on the Scalleywagathon fun? Let me know what you plan to read below!

Love, Jackie

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