How to Find Time to Read as the Days Get Shorter and Life Gets Busier

I have been struggling hard over the past couple of weeks. Struggling with anxiety and a lack of motivation. I have been struggling to do even my favorite things like reading. As you can see from my post yesterday, I still have 17 books to read before the end of 2020 if I want to achieve my Goodreads Challenge. It would be the first time completing my challenge and I am so determined. I am definitely doing to need to up my reading over the next two months though because I will have to read about 8.5 books a month and the most I have read this year is 7 books in one month. Most of the time I have been reading 2 or 3…

With the holidays coming up, I am going to have less and less time to read. My work schedule is going to increase, and the days are going to get shorter. I am going to have to work harder to find time in my schedule to read. And I am going to have to motivate myself to turn off that Halloween movie I am watching and pick up the spooky book that is sitting next to me. Got to check my priorities.

But I also don’t want reading to be work, because that is how I lose the enjoyment in reading really quickly. There are things I can do to avoid this however, and that is what I talk about in the post!

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Where to Find Time in the Day to Read

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1. Read During your Breaks!

It is definitely difficult to look on a day where you have work, chores, and other responsibilities. We all know that for most of us, reading is optional and it can be one of the first things we throw out on our busiest days.

But there are definitely moments throughout even the busiest days when we should stop and take a moment to rest. Even though a lot of us tend to work through our lunches, and don’t take proper breaks, these things are so important for your productivity and well being. You can’t stare at a computer all day, there are physical and mental consequences to that.

So, do you have a short break and a lunch in your work schedule? Use that to read a few pages. Even if you only read a little, it resets your brain and allows you to escape your day, if only for a few minutes.

2. Read During your Commute

Do you take the bus or train? Pull out a book and read a few pages on the way to work or school.

Do you get motion sickness? Do you walk, or drive? Throw on some headphones and start an audiobook. Audiobooks have been lifesavers for me in regards to reading. Sometimes I honestly just don’t have the energy to pick up a physical book, and audiobooks have allowed me to enjoy stories even when I am physically drained and exhausted.

3. Wake up Early to Read

I know, who wants to ever wake up earlier than you have to! I get it, I am definitely not a morning person. But lately, I have been setting my alarm for 45 minute before I usually do, and I have been getting so much reading done. Just a couple chapters in the morning have been a great way to start the day. I honestly feel so productive right off in the morning, and it has set a good vibe for the rest of the day.

4. Listen to Audiobooks while Doing Chores

Listening to audiobooks while doing chores is one of the best ways to get the work done in an enjoyable manner. If I have some dishes to get done, or some yard work to complete, I will pop in some headphones and turn on whichever book I am currently reading. The work goes by so much faster this way.

How to Make Sure Reading is Still Enjoyable

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1. Read Books in your Favorite Genre

I know I have been talking a lot about branching out in my genres, and making sure I read some historical fiction this year. But sometimes reading something I am not used to puts me in a little of a reading slump. So when I am feeling like reading is more of a chore than a hobby, I pick up a fantasy or dystopian novel, knowing it will feel like home.

2. Reread Your Favorites

This is a classic piece of reading advice, but what better way to enjoy reading than to read something you know you’ll enjoy. I love rereading old favorites to remind me why I love reading so much.

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Focusing on adding something I love doing, reading, into my daily routine has been so beneficial for my well being and my TBR. I don’t always take these tips for myself, but I know that if I did, I would get so much more reading done.

What is your favorite way to add reading to your busy schedule? Let me know in the comments below!

Love, Jackie

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