Cake Flavored Books Tag


We are a couple days into March! How is it going for everyone?

Almost two years ago (LOL) I was tagged on Bookstagram by @whatsername_reads to do the #cakeflavoredbooks tag! You can find my account here! Well, I finally completed the tag on my Bookstagram and I thought it would be fun to bring it over here. I did this before with the Books and Disney Villains tag. I had so much fun doing that I decided to do it again.

Disclaimer: Clicking on the title of each book will bring you to book depository, where you can purchase the book. These are affiliate links, meaning I will make a small commission with every purchase made, with no impact on you. Thank you!


A dark book that you absolutely loved

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

To be honest, I am not sure what constitutes giving a book the label “dark” so I am rolling with my interpretation of this prompt. Shadow and Bone had a lot of darkness… literally… the fold! Also, The DARKling. Anyway, that is why I picked this book.


A light read

Holding up the Universe by Jennifer Niven

I haven’t read All The Bright Places yet, but I heard so much about how sad it was, so I was expecting the same from this book. However, this was a very nice and light contemporary read than I ended up really enjoying, even if it took me a long time to actually finish it!

Red Velvet

A book that gave you mixed emotions

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Again, I am basing my answer to this prompt on my interpretation of it. I have no mix of emotions in my love for this book, but the story took me on a roller coaster with ups, downs, and loop-de-loops.


A sweet book

The Maybe Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin

Honestly, anything by Christina Benjamin. However, I had to pick one so I chose The Maybe Boyfriend. I love the characters and the romance! These are the first books I will pick up when I am in the mood for a contemporary. You can click here for my review of this book!


A book that you would recommend to anyone

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

I read this book because literally (LITERALLY) everyone on book twitter was recommending it to me. It was worth it. So, now I have boarded the bandwagon and I will be traveling around screaming about this book right along with everyone else!

Coffee Cake

A book that you started but never finished

This was a really popular book when I tried to read it, but I just could not get into it. I definitely gave it a solid effort. I am planning on eventually trying again because I love creepy books. Someday…

Carrot Cake

A book with great writing

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

I love this book. Thank you, Laini Taylor.

Talk to me!

Do you like cake? What is your favorite flavor?

Will there even be a book tag where I don’t include The Hunger Games or Strange the Dreamer?

Do we have any similar answers to these questions?

Let me know in the comments!



17 thoughts on “Cake Flavored Books Tag”

  1. OMG I like the sound of this tag and this is such a fun tag! I enjoy reading your answers! I love Miss Peregrine’s but I don’t know why I’ve never finished the series. I got stuck at Hollow City 😅

    To be honest, I don’t have a favorite cake because I loveeeee all cake flavors 💖😍

    1. Haha I was seriously so hungry while writing this post because I just wanted all of the cakes. I feel like if I am in the right mood, I will love Miss Peregrine’s. I just need to try again!

      Hmmmm… that is true, there are so many good cake flavors. I am in the mood for vanilla right now because I just had a really good vanilla cake slice for my birthday!

  2. I’ve been meaning to get to Holding up the Universe for years, but things always over took it in my priorities! I stopped hearing about it and kind of forgot I had it!
    And for my favourite cake, hot chocolate fudge cake with vanilla ice cream!

    1. The same happened for me! Until I got an email saying the my hold on the e-book was released, and it was downloaded to my kindle. I am glad it was!
      Oh my gosh! Why did I not think of hot chocolate fudge cake! All warm with cold ice-cream on top. I’m hungry now…

      1. I got the ebook for 99p the other day too, I think it’ll get read sooner now too!
        It is the best! My go to desert!

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