Book Review: Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

After The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo blew up on book twitter, Taylor Jenkins Reid has become a popular author. Having enjoyed Evelyn Hugo, and seeing the book cover of Daisy Jones and The Six all over my twitter feed the past couple of months, I decided to give it a try. The format of the book is something I have never tried before, and I was excited to read about rock & roll. I can’t name one book I have read in that world, so I was excited to expand my reading horizons!

Book cover of Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Title: Daisy Jones and The Six

Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid

Genre: Contemporary, Fiction

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Published: March 5, 2019

Rating: 3/5 Stars

Content Warnings: drug use, alcoholism, addiction, abortion

This book opened really strong for me with this…

“On matters both big and small, sometimes accounts of the same event differ. The truth often lies unclaimed in the middle.”

I absolutely loved this line, and I thought it put the concept of truth in very accessible terms. It also was a perfect description of this book, wrapped up into one sentence. However, this was literally all the book was. This was it. A study on how the truth is different for everybody. *shrugs shoulders*

For about 80% of the book, I could care less about what the characters were doing. They were just going back and forth about writing songs and doing drugs. I only liked the last 20% of the book because of the adorable twist, it made me smile. But, let’s just say, the only character I really cared about was Julia. 

The book wasn’t all bad. Reid is an incredibly talented author, as most of us saw in The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. She has a talent for writing fleshed-out characters, and I could see the world of rock and roll that she was building. Maybe I just didn’t care about that world. Maybe it just wasn’t the book for me.

I am also so glad that I decided to read this via audiobook. I loved the full cast of characters and I think it was the reason I finished the entire thing.

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20 thoughts on “Book Review: Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid”

  1. Ah it’s such a shame you didn’t enjoy this book as much as you hoped! Thanks for the honest review, I’ve only seen 5 star reviews so far so it’s great to see a different perspective 😊

    1. I can see why people are loving this book so much because Reid is such a wonderful storyteller. I am glad so many people are loving it!

    1. I have seen a lot of mixed reviews about this one. I was definitely expecting more because I did enjoy Evelyn Hugo so much.

  2. Honestly, I rarely read books like this for the exact same reason. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I didn’t enjoy the book that much. The cover is beautiful though!

  3. I have seen this book all over my feeds (and strangely did not realize it was another TJR book?) I recently finished Evelyn Hugo and gave it 5 stars, depsite it not being my typical genre at all. I did adore how her audiobook was done, and from the sounds of it this is something similar. So I think I’ll keep my eye out for the audiobook…

    1. I adored Evelyn Hugo when I read it. It was also outside of my usual genre. TJR definitely has a knack for storytelling, and I believe the quality of that was very similar between Daisy Jones and Evelyn Hugo. I definitely recommend it in audio format, and I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read it.

    1. Thank you so much! The audio was fantastic. This was my first time listening to an audiobook with this many cast members, and it was a great experience. It was definitely perfect for the format of this book.

    1. Thank you so much! I can understand why so many people liked the book, TJR is such a talented author. I was still in love with her writing style and storytelling.

  4. This was just a three star for me too! The audiobook was well done, but I prefer her books about couples, not about famous people. They are fine, and I see the appeal, but just not for me.

    1. I definitely need to read more of Reid’s books, other than Evelyn Hugo. I love her writing so much. I agree. I can definitely see the appeal, but it wasn’t my favorite.

    1. If I ever reread this book, which I probably will, I will definitely be looking into the audiobook. I have also heard so many good things about it. Thank you!

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