August Wrap-Up

Another month, another wrap-up.

This month has been interesting! I started it in an eh mood because it meant I was getting closer to starting my last year of college and that held so many conflicting emotions. First, I am frustrated because summer is over and I need to get back to having responsibilities. Second, I was nervous because, if you didn’t know, I am a dance major and I have not danced all summer so I am a little… out of shape (I hope none of my professors read this). Third, I am excited, because I get to go back to dance, something that makes me incredibly happy. And finally, I am sad, because this is my last year in my program. I have come to love all of my peers so much and I can’t imagine waking up every day and not automatically seeing them. I only opened up last year and I feel that I missed out on a lot. So, I know I am going to cry like 34,027 times this year. As you can see, that is A LOT of emotions. I’m a wreck.

(Update: I am at the end of my first week and I have already cried… a lot LOL)


ANYWAY! That was really long and dramatic so, let’s get to the books, shall we?

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Books I Read

Becoming the Dragon by Alex Sapegin (3/5)

The Progeny by Tosca Lee (5/5), the review can be found here

Books I Added to my Collection


Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (Film edition, now all I need is the third book)

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (The U.K. edition, now all I need is the first book)

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan

The Blood of Olympus (The Heros of Olympus) by Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan

Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis (The only one I was missing in the series)

The Beauty that Remains by Ashley Woodfolk

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

Dust Lands: Blood Red Road by Moira Young

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Mass

Alright! I know that is a lot of books. You are probably thinking I am some rich heiress from Scotland or something. But. no! I promise I am not. Out of the fifteen books, one was a gift and the other fourteen were from charity shops.

Oh… and I was supposed to be on a book buying ban lol

Also, I am not putting an image of all of these. It would be miles long…


Books I am Currently Reading

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (I think this has been in my wrap-up for three months now. I am loving it, don’t get me wrong, it is just taking FOREVER to finish.)

The Accidental Boyfriend by Christine Benjamin

Shiver by Maggies Stiefvater

Holding up the Universe by Jennifer Niven


I have had an amazing blogging month! My stats have never been so high and I am loving interacting with all of you lovelies! This is why I am in the bookish community and I appreciate all the love and support that everyone has been giving me.

My Favorite Posts from August!


Bookish This or That Tag!


Books and Disney Villians


Three Bookish Things Tag


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What a busy month indeed!

In conclusions… I have a problem. I buy way more books than I read in a month, which is why my TBR will never end.


Talk to me!

Have you ever read any of these books?

How do you feel when something is ending, like college?

What was your favorite book in August?

Let me know!






28 thoughts on “August Wrap-Up”

  1. I read Holding Up the Universe this month and loved it, I hope you enjoy reading it! My favourite book this month was a trilogy; the Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo – I loved it!!!
    I can definitely relate to the ‘things ending’ point you mentioned. I finished university in May, so this is the first September in about 16 years where I’m not going back into education. It’s weird and I don’t think it’s set in yet, or will until later in the month! It’s a strange feeling but it’s a good one too, I’ve worked hard and I’m excited for the next chapter! 😁

    1. I am half way through and I am so enjoying it! So interesting.
      I read the first book in the Grisha trilogy. I loved it so much but I haven’t picked up the rest of the series for some reason.
      Congratulations on graduating! I am excited for the next step but nervous. It will feel so weird next year!

      1. Glad you’re enjoying it!
        Awesome okay, it’s definitely worth continuing on with it! It’s a fab series 😁
        Thank you! Good luck for your last year!! It’s a strange feeling but best of luck with everything! 😊

  2. I’m just starting college (for the 2nd try) and I’m hoping I’ll do alright! I hope your last year will be damn amazing 😀 I looove Riordan’s books, so yay for getting those!

    1. Yes! You are going to do amazing! It is such a scary but an exciting time.
      Thank you so much!! I am trying to make it the best I can.
      I only read the first book in the Percy series so I need to finish that haha. But I liked the first one. I can’t wait.

  3. The writing is definitely amazing. I hope to write so beautifully some day! I can’t wait to keep reading.

    Ahaha! Same though! It is really good. I connect with one of the main characters because we are both dancers. The story is super interesting.

  4. I just finished my Bachelors before summer, and it was indeed soo weird. Not seeing these people anymore all the time. I’m about to start my Masters like tomorrow, which for me is also really stressfull haha
    Good luck with your last year!

  5. I finished Heir of Fire last month, and I’m kicking myself for not reading that book sooner. It’s one of the best in the series.

    Bah, book buying bans are nonsense. You have such a great TBR pile now.

  6. I love so many of the books you’ve added to you collection! (ESP thg and Narnia) and your blog is really cool!
    I hate when things end. I’m not a massive fan of change or growing up so it’s super scary for me

    1. The Hunger Games is always a good one.
      Thank you so much!
      I have always hated change. I remember I didn’t want to get my braces off when I was younger because I was used to having them on haha.

  7. Great post and I’m so glad to see that you had a wonderful month of reading and especially blogging. 🙂 I wish you the best this year with college and dance and just everything in general! <3 Ahh I agree, it's always so bitter sweet to leave behind one experience and start the next chapter.
    Also, I love that you collect the books of the Hunger Games series. The different covers of the series are so pretty! <3

    1. Aww thank you so much! You are absolutely the sweetest. I am looking foward to the change but also scared haha.

      I get so excited when I find one at a used book store that I need. I really want to find the Australia white luxury editions but I can only find them for over 100 dollars on ebay… Sigh!

  8. They have actually been going really well. Only two weeks in but I am optimistic. I have been struggling in dance but I can feel my strength coming back, which is good.

    I don’t think I have ever been able to stick with a book buying ban. Why do I even do it to myself haha!

    And I followed! Thanks for letting me know!

    1. Thank you so mcuh for your support! As you can probably tell, from me responding to this a month later, it has been very busy. But, I am getting my strength back and a lot of good things are happening!

      I feel that! I seem to buy way more when I have a ban on myself. Maybe it is counterproductive lol!

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