5 Books with Delicious Food Descriptions: Bookish Places With the Best Food

Some of the best stories are the ones that are completely immersive. When you read it, you get an understanding of the world as a complete whole. The weather, smells, sights, sounds, and most importantly, the food. I love books with delicious food descriptions that make me want to jump into the pages and eat the food myself.

The last couple of months in the year are marked by good food and good company. Fall brings such amazing food, I am constantly thinking about when I can get my hands on my next Autumnal meal. So when a book I’m reading has a really descriptive portrayal of food, I definitely take note.

I know the description is really good when it can make me physically hungry. I have been known to get a snack while I am reading at 3 a.m. purely because the description of food in the book was so delectable, my stomach started to grumble.

So, if you are like me, and enjoy this very specific set of recommendations for books with tasty food descriptions, you are in luck! Here are 5 of my favorite!

Border of hand drawn pumpkins

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

Book cover of Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas is set during the holiday, Dia de Los Muertos, and the way Aiden Thomas describes the pan de muertos that Julian and Yadriel eat had my mouth-watering. There were so many parts of this story where food was described immaculately, I wanted to pull everything off the page and eat it myself.

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The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Book cover of The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

I have never wanted to go to a circus more than when I was reading The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. The way that Morgenstern describes various dishes and circus treats made me so hungry, I almost started searching for local circuses in hopes of getting a slice of what was being described on the page. I just want to walk around a circus at midnight drinking delicious hot chocolate and eating pastries sprinkled in powdered sugar. Is that too much to ask for?

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Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco

Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco book cover

Something about reading fantasy books makes me want to eat stale bread and hard cheese. Am I the only one? Anyway, Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco is set in Italy with the main character, Emilia, who loves food. There are many scenes in the kitchen, Emilia cooking with her family. It made me nostalgic for the holidays, where my family would spend a lot of time together, baking holiday treats and making warm holiday meals. This book made me hungry for my mom’s homemade chili and holiday cookies.

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Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Book cover of Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

No, I’m not talking about Sarai and her siblings, who only have one thing to eat. That sounds horrible. I am talking about two things. First, the beautiful meals that Lazlo’s host family cooks for him when he arrives in Weep. Those scenes always made me feel so warm and cozy. But also, the descriptions of the food that Weep would have had before the town turned into Weep. Back when it was a cultural and culinary hub, with so many different spices and dishes. The way Laini Taylor describes it always makes me so hungry!

But also, a small part of me wants to eat what Sarai is eating. That weird mush made into different dishes… I kind of want to try it…

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American Royals by Katharine McGee

book cover of American Royals by Katherine McGee

Who wouldn’t want to spend a holiday meal with the royal family at the white house? You know there has got to be some good food at that event. Although American Royals doesn’t have a lot of Autumnal foods, it does have the Wawas milkshake with extra M&Ms that I would pay big money to try. There is something about the way Katharine McGee describes this milkshake that makes me believe it is made out of solid gold, I would like it in my hands immediately.

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Wow, if you were anywhere near me right now you would know that my stomach is definitely grumbling. Is it dinner time yet?

It seems that fantasy books tend to have the best food descriptions. I’m not sure if that’s the focus on lush world-building, or me having FOMO and wanting to eat what the characters are eating, but it’s true. Most of the fantasies I have read are the best books with food descriptions.

For more bookish recommendations, check out yesterday’s post, filled with magical books perfect to read in Autumn.

Love, Jackie

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