Round 3 of my original tag, the Halloweentown Book Tag!
“Halloween is cool” – Marnie Cromwell
Oh boy! I can’t believe this will be my third year doing my original tag based on the Halloweentown movies! I did this tag for the first time in 2019, and it is almost 2022. Time flies doesn’t it? What a ride it has been, my life and book interests have changed so much since the first time I have done this. But you know what hasn’t changed? My love of Halloween. It is still my absolute favorite time of year. Jack-o-lanterns, bats, and Benny the skeleton… oh my!
Well, on my forever quest to honoring my favorite Halloween movie franchise ever, I am excited to be completing this tag on my blog once again, and hopefully for many years to come.
Want to join me? Here’s how!
- Mention the creator of the tag, Bookish Coffee Blog
- If you were tagged, mention who tagged you!
- Answer the questions
- Have fun!
- Bonus: watch the movie while you answer the questions!
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Halloween Gives Kids Ideas About There Being Magic: Name a book that is full of magic

Overall a great read for this time of year, Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas checks all the boxes for a magical read. The main character, Yadriel is a brujo who summons a ghost. But that ghost doesn’t exactly want to be put to rest. This book was atmospheric, magical, and intriguing. It also gives off some spooky vibes, if you are still trying to create your October TBR!
Halloween is Cool: Name one book from your October TBR

I have had The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones on my TBR for so long! All I hear is how spooky this book is, and how perfect it is for the Autumn season. Well, this year I have finally got my hands on a copy. October is the month! All I really know about this book is that it revolves around graveyards. I don’t need any more information, that is spooky enough for me.
Nobody Really Appreciates my Taste in Weird Stuff: Name your favorite underrated read

I seem to have a hard time understanding what is underrated anymore. BUT, I feel like I haven’y seen anyone talk about Mirage by Somaiya Daud in years, and it was one of my favorite reads last year. The premise of the story is so unique and the characters are beautifully developed. It is definitely an interesting to read.
The Cromwell’s are Powerful Witches, and it Took the Power of all of them to Defeat the Evil: Name a powerful fictional family

Family doesn’t always have to be by blood. Some of my favorite relationships in books are found family. Let’s be honest, it is one of the best tropes. And yes, that is an objective fact. The bond that the two main characters, Tavia and Effie, have is stronger than any other. I adored reading about their relationship and hope more authors, especially writers of young adults books, include this in their works.
Halloweentown was Written About in a Book, So Maybe It’s Real, Maybe It’s Not: Name your favorite non-fiction or historical fiction book

I haven’t read either non-fiction or historical fiction in years. We Dream of Space by Erin Entrada Kelly is actually the only one I have read… But I really did love this story. It followed a group of young kids and showed how they were affected by the launch of the Challenger spaceship, and the disaster that followed. I loved reading from this perspective about a topic I didn’t live through. Makes me wonder how I would have reacted if I were a kid in the 80s.
And I know some people are going to say this is not historical fiction because it was set in the late 80s. But the challenger was definitely a historical moment, so I think it’s fair. I mean, by now it was about 35 years ago. Okay I’m done.
Mayor Kalabar Wants Revenge: Name a book you thought you would enjoy but ended up not

I read Red Rising by Pierce Brown this year, after years of it being on my TBR, and I was severely dissapointed. With all the amazing reviews, and the length this book sat on my TBR, I was expecting a fast-paced adventure novel that I couldn’t put down. Instead, I got a bunch of people fighting for 75% of the book and that’s it. I never actually wanted to read this book. Additionally, I was listening to the audiobook, so it should have been a breeze. It was not. Unfortunately, it was a huge miss.
Instant Witch’s Brew, Sometimes it Works, Sometimes it Doesn’t: Name your favorite or least favorite book under 200 pages

Evidently, another thing I need to add to my repertoire is short books. And I was the one who created this question for the Halloweentown Book Tag! But anyway, I absolutely adored The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa. One of the best reads this year, it filled me with so much joy and melancholy at the same time.
Time Works Differently in Halloweentown: Name a book that was so good it made time stop

This book is… wild. It is a fairly short read, coming in at 211 pages, but it is unlike anything I have ever read in my life. I gave it 5 stars because I hated every minute of reading it. It is so grotesque and inhumane, it made me sick. This story was successful in doing exactly what the author intended, I hope I never have to read this book again because it was that good. It felt like a blip, the time I spent reading this book.
Please check the trigger warnings on this post before reading!
Mortal See, Mortals Do: Name a book with non-human characters

The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill had a lot of different types of creatures and they all can communicate with each other. I wasn’t the biggest fan of this book, I gave it 2 stars. But I do know that a lot of people enjoy this style of story. I might have also just been in a bad mood when I was reading it. But, there were definitely a lot of fun creatures interacting with the main character, Luna, who lives with a swamp monster named Glerk and a dragon named Fyrian.
Luke Helps Save the Day: Name a character you thought was bad but ended up having redeeming qualities

I am going a little off-grid with this question. I think mostly, people will choose morally grey characters in an epic enemies-to-lovers story, but I am going a little closer to home. The main character in Eliza and her Monsters by Francesca Zappia, Eliza, has two younger brothers that, in her perspective don’t care much about her leading the reader to believe the same thing. However, by the end of the book, it is clear that they have been paying attention to their sister, and care much more than Eliza would have ever imagined. I loved the flow that this relationship took in the book, I was heart-warmed by the end.
An Evil Force is at Work in Halloweentown, We Have to put Merlin’s Talisman in the Giant Pumpkin to Save Everybody: Name your favorite fictional villain and hero

You know what, I looked high and low for another option to answer this prompt, but I just couldn’t find a villain and hero pair that beats Katniss Everdeen and President Coriolanus Snow from The Hunger Game by Suzanne Collins. Their dynamic is the best ever written. That might be dramatic, but it is cerainly the best I have ever read. And hey, of course, I had to sneak my favorite book onto this list. That’s my job as a responsible book blogger.
Halloweentown is Saved: Name a book with a really satisfying ending

If you are looking for an ending that answers all the questions and wraps everything up into a neat little package, read The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. For the entirety of the novel, you are thrown around, with more questions then you have answers. So it was supremely satisfying at the end of this mystery book when the reader is let in on all that has happened during the story.
This wasn’t my favorite read, but a lot of people absolutely love it. I ended up giving the audiobook 3 stars.

I am such a sucker for Disney Channel Original Halloween movies. After creating this Halloweentown Book Tag, I have been thinking about creating tags around my other favorite movies! I think it would be a lot of fun to create a whole series around those Disney channel originals.
If you end up doing this tag, please let me know by tagging me, commenting below, or messaging me on Twitter. I love seeing other’s answers to these questions. Brings me so much joy!
Thank you so much for reading!

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