Bookish QOTDs: 100 Questions to ask in your Next Bookstagram Caption

One of my first steps into the book community was Bookstagram. I made a silly little account called and I have never been the same since. That sounds dramatic, but the book community really gave me a place to feel like I belong, and I will always be thankful for that. I have loved using my bookish Instagram account to connect with other book lovers, and one of the ways I do this is with bookish QOTDs, or bookish questions of the day.

I have been a part of the online book community for over 7 years now. My Bookstagram had its 7th birthday just one month ago, so I have been doing this for a long time! Since I started my Bookstagram account, I have seen so many changes in the community. I’ve been there for all the drama, all the fun, and all the new platforms. It makes me feel old just thinking about it.

But through all of these changes, one thing that has always stayed the same was the purpose of the bookish online community, and that is connecting with others. We are all readers. If we wanted to, we could just sit at home, read our books, have our opinions, and move on, but that would be incredibly boring, don’t you think?

Art is supposed to be talked about, therefore the online book community was formed. Before the internet, people would get together and host book clubs where everyone discussed their opinion on the selected books. We just moved all of that to social media! The bookish online community is basically a giant book club, HOW FUN!

Anyway, as I said, connecting with others is the best part of running a Bookstagram, a book Twitter, a book blog, a BookTok, etc. I love asking the community questions about their favorite books, what they like to drink while they read, and more. It makes me feel a little less alone in this world like there are others that are also sitting on their sofa sipping hot cocoa and reading a cozy mystery. Therefore, bookish questions of the day have quickly become my favorite part of my day.

If you are looking for some bookish QOTDs to use when captioning your next Bookstagram post or BookTok video, I have the list for you! I have been asking questions for a long time, therefore there are a lot of things running through my head! I will never run out of curiosity when it comes to books and readers.

Also, If you are looking to start a Bookstagram, check out this post where I break down a lot of the common acronyms and phrases often used on the platform! And feel free to ask me any questions you might have, I have been doing this for a long time! You can comment your questions down below or private message me on my own Bookstagram.

What are Bookish QOTDs?

QOTD stands for “question of the day.” It is something that many communities across social media do to promote interaction among their followers and connect with others. I’m just adding a bookish spin to it by making all my questions book themed!

Many Bookstagram creators will include these bookish questions in their post captions so they can get to know their followers and fellow members of their community. It is a great way to connect with the tiny corner of the internet we have carved out for ourselves.

Image of books with food descriptions

100 Bookish QOTDs to use on your Next Bookstagram Caption!

  1. What is your favorite book?
  2. Who is your favorite fictional character?
  3. What book are you currently reading?
  4. What is the worst book you have ever read?
  5. What is the best book you have ever read?
  6. Do you prefer paperbacks or hardcovers?
  7. If you could turn any book into a movie, which would you choose?
  8. What is the best book-to-screen adaptation you have seen?
  9. What is your favorite genre? What is your favorite book in that genre?
  10. Which trope is your favorite to read?
  11. Have you ever wanted to write a book yourself? If so, what genre would you write it in?
  12. What is your favorite drink/snack to have while reading?
  13. What book has the prettiest cover?
  14. What is your favorite color for book covers?
  15. Do you annotate your books? If so, what are your favorite book annotation supplies?
  16. Have you ever listened to an audiobook? If so, which one is your favorite?
  17. Which fictional book character do you think would be your best friend?
  18. If you got dropped into the world of your current read, what would you be doing?
  19. What is your favorite quote from a book?
  20. Are you a fast reader or a slow reader?
  21. Do you prefer digital books or physical books?
  22. Who is your favorite author?
  23. Do you have a least favorite author? If so, why do you think you don’t connect with their work?
  24. Do you crack the spine of your books?
  25. Do you “dog-ear” your books or do you use a bookmark?
  26. Where is your favorite place to read?
  27. What time of day do you read the most? For example, do you read more during the morning, mid-day, or at night?
  28. How do you organize your books? By color, alphabetically, by series, randomly, etc.
  29. Have you ever read a book about a non-human character? If so, what was it about?
  30. Do you read out loud, or in your head?
  31. Can you read in a public space, or do you need complete silence?
  32. Has a specific book ever pulled you out of a reading slump? If so, what book was it?
  33. What was your favorite book when you were a child?
  34. What is the book that has been on your TBR the longest?
  35. What is the next book you plan to read?
  36. Do you prefer book covers with images on the front or book covers with typography on the front?
  37. If you were going to a deserted island, what are the 3 books you would take with you?
  38. Have you been a reader your whole life or did you start reading recently?
  39. What is the popular book that everyone else loved, but you hated?
  40. If you could turn any movie into a book, which would you choose?
  41. Dead or alive, which author would you want to sit down and talk with?
  42. Do you prefer long chapters or short chapters?
  43. What is the saddest book you have ever read?
  44. What is the funniest book you have ever read?
  45. Do you prefer long books or short books?
  46. What book would you recommend to your parent and what book would you recommend to your best friend? Are they the same book?
  47. If you could describe your favorite fictional character in 3 words, what would they be?
  48. What e-reader do you use, if you read digital books?
  49. How often do you stop by your local library?
  50. If you could be penpals with one fictional character, who would it be and why?
  51. What is your favorite time period to read about?
  52. If you listen to audiobooks, can you do other tasks while you listen or do you have to give your full concentration?
  53. Do you prefer high fantasy or urban fantasy?
  54. Have you ever made a playlist for a book you are reading?
  55. Do you have a favorite graphic novel?
  56. Did you parents or guardians read to you when you were young?
  57. If you annotate books, do you use sticky notes, or do you prefer to write directly in the book?
  58. Do you read one book at a time, or do you read multiple books at once?
  59. What is your reading goal for this year?
  60. Is there a genre you wish you read more of?
  61. Who is your favorite animal sidekick from a book you read?
  62. Do you prefer books set in modern time, books set in the past, or books set in the future?
  63. Do you prefer book-to-movie or book-to-television adaptations?
  64. Have you ever dressed up as a book character for Halloween, cosplay, etc?
  65. Have you even been to a book convention? If not, would you like to at some point?
  66. Where do you get most of the books you read? Amazon, library, book store, etc.
  67. What is your favorite bookish accessory? Bookmarks, book sleeves, reading lights, etc.
  68. What is your most-read genre and what is your least-read genre?
  69. Name a series you have started but still haven’t finished.
  70. Do you enjoy burning candles while you read? If so, what is your candle fragrance of choice?
  71. Have you ever been to a book club?
  72. Do you prefer buddy reads, or do you like reading on your own?
  73. Would you ever put the spine of your books facing in on your bookshelf (Where the pages are facing out)?
  74. Which do you prefer, strong characterization or strong world-building?
  75. Name the book you read that had the best descriptions of food.
  76. If someone wrote a book about your own life, would you be the hero or the villian?
  77. Do you read specific genres during specific seasons? For example, do you read more horror in the fall and more romance in the spring?
  78. Do you enjoy reading classics? If so, which is your favorite?
  79. Have you ever read a fairytale retelling? Which one was your favorite?
  80. What book would you love to see turned into a live theatre performance?
  81. What is your most unpopular bookish opinion?
  82. Have you ever done a DIY project because of a book?
  83. Have you ever cooked a specific food because of a book?
  84. Which smell do you prefer, new rain on cement, freshly brewed coffee, or the pages of a book?
  85. Have you ever lent out a book to someone and never got it back?
  86. Have you ever not returned a library book, or returned it late and had to pay the late fee?
  87. How to you keep track of the books you read? Through an app like Goodreads, a reading journal, or something else?
  88. Do you have a bookish fictional crush? If so, who is it?
  89. If you creating a movie for your favorite book, who would you cast as the main characters?
  90. Do you prefer series, duologies, or standalone books?
  91. Name the book that has been on your TBR the longest.
  92. Name the book that has been on your TBR the shortest.
  93. How many books are on your TBR right now?
  94. Have you ever subscribed to a bookish subscription box? If so, which one, and did you enjoy it?
  95. Do you have any book-inspired merch? If so, what is it and where did you get it from?
  96. Have you ever bought from a bookish small business? If so, name a couple of your favorite ones!
  97. Name your favorite book/literacy-based charity.
  98. Would you rather drink coffee or tea while you are reading?
  99. Do you like movie tie-in book covers? If so, what are your favorites and least favorites?
  100. How many books are stacked on your bedside table right now?

Image of a Witches of Ash and Ruin

As you can see, there are so many bookish QOTDs you can ask. And once you run out of these, you can even ask non-bookish questions. I love using bookish QOTDs and non-bookish QOTDs to get to know the people in my community, because that is why we are all here. There are so many interesting people, you just have to get to know them!

I had so much fun writing these questions, and I want to use them all now on my Bookstagram! If you have a bookish social account let me know, I would love to follow and interact! Comment them down below so we can connect! After all, that’s why we are all here doing what we are doing, right?

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