Hello lovelies!
This is probably the latest I have been at posting my monthly update, and by late, I mean two months late. I was about half way through April when I decided I was going to just combine my April and May wrap-ups. These spring months are historically slow for me, in the reading department, so even though this is for two months, it is going to be a teeny tiny wrap-up, in regards to what books I was able to finish.
This month was very exciting for me personally. I graduated from college with a B.A. in Dance. I went to YALLWEST for my second time. I wrote 3/4 of my Work in Progress, a project I am terribly excited for. A lot of exciting things are happening for me.
I also wanted to put a small update in this post about the Avenger’s Read-a-Thon I participated in during the month of May, hosted by The Perks of Being Noura. It was a wonderful experience, even though I wasn’t as successful as I was hoping. I only managed to finish 2 of the 6 books I planned on reading. I finished…
- The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O’Neill (The Amazing Spider-Man: graphic novel or comic)
- Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco (Spider-Man: character with a secret identity)
I may not have done amazing, but I would still call this read-a-thon a success. It got me to read two books that I wouldn’t pick out normally, and it helped raise me out of a small reading slump. I would call that a good time!
Books I Read
This was the cutest, softest graphic novel I have ever read. Well, it is the only graphic novel I have ever read but I loved it so much! It was so special and beautiful and diverse and magical. All I ask for in life is a tea dragon of my own, is that too much to ask for?
This book was… unexpected. It was incredibly descriptive and unique, and I was intrigued the entire time I was reading it. I just need my library to get the sequel in now so I can read it, and then they need to get the third one in as soon as it is released.
This one didn’t work out for me, but I love hearing other’s thoughts on it because I know how much people love this series. Check out my review to see my thoughts.
Books I am Currently Reading
Guess who is still reading this book? Me! Okay, I paused reading this book because I started the Avengers Read-a-thon, and I wanted to start all new books for that. But, I have recently picked it up again and I will be finishing it soon! Then, I can finally read the Six of Crows Duology… even though I have been saying that for a while now… I will, I promise!
Yes, I have finally started reading this book. I am only at the beginning but I love it. I love Schwab’s writing, and I can’t wait to see where she takes these characters.
Books I Added to my Collection
In my final OwlCrate box of my birthday gift, I received Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan. I was thrilled to see this in my final box, as I have been wanting to read this book since I read the description.
May was a rough month for me and my anxiety. I spent a lot of time in bed, because my brain was spending all of my energy freaking out about things I didn’t need to worry about. Because my mom is the most amazing woman I know, she knew what a hard time I was having, so she picked me up a copy of Finale, because I had mentioned it to her earlier this month. I love her more than I can type in this post!
One day, me and my friend had a couple extra hours before we were seeing a show, so we decided to wander around a shopping center. This is where I found Gilded Cage at the Dollar Tree! I have heard rumors of YA books at dollar stores but I never believed them. I don’t know a lot about this book, but it was only one dollar, so if I hate it… oh well.
These 6 are the ARCs I managed to pick up at YALLWEST earlier this month. This was an amazing event that I will be discussing in a future post. I’m so excited to read all of these, and I am so grateful for the lovely book lovers that book that event together.
I also managed to pick up this one at the OwlCrate booth at YALLWEST! This honestly looks so interesting, and I can’t wait to read it this summer.
Whoa, I managed to add a lot of books to my collection these past two months, while only spending ONE DOLLAR!! I’m so impressed. Two months and I only spent one dollar on books. Wow.
Disclaimer: Clicking the title of each book will bring you to book depository. This is an affiliate link, meaning that I will make a small commission from every purchase made, with no impact on you. Thank you.
Talk to me!
What did you read this month?
Did you do anything exciting?
What are you hoping to read in June?
Let me know in the comments below!
It looks like you’ve had a wonderful couple of months! Hope June is the same!
Thank you! Here is hoping as well! I have already finished one book, which is pretty good for me.
Nevernight took my by surprise too, glad you enjoyed it! I also have only recently read Vicious and it was fantastic
Both of the books are incredible! I look forward to reading more from both of these authors
There are some really fab books here! I loved Wicked Saints and Finale, and I still need to read Nevernight
It is such a good book! It was very different from what I was expecting, in the best way possible. I hope you enjoy. I can’t wait to read both Wicked Saints and Finale.
It is such an awesome read. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
The Surface Breaks looks amazing! I was so excited to get my hands on it. Nevernight is great! I hope you enjoy it!
Oh my gosh, Gilded Cage! I hope you enjoy it!
Cora | http://teapartyprincess.co.uk/
im dying to read tea dragon society tbh and i rly need to start my copy of wicked saints too! sounds v good