22 Books to Read in 2022

It is officially the last day of 2021! I hope everyone is having a relaxing and safe celebration as they ring in the new year! But I am already starting to look forward to the new year, but thinking of the 22 books to read in 2022!

This is going to be my second year creating a list like this. I created one last year and I had so much fun thinking about and planning what books I wanted to read.

As much as I am a mood reader, I also like a little structure, so having a list like this is super helpful when it is the middle of July and I can’t decide what to read because I can’t decide anything when I am hot and overwhelmed.

And in true Jackie fashion, I did not finish last year’s list. But also in true Jackie fashion, I have the motivation that 2022 is going to be the year I actually do finish it.

I only include books on this list that I own physically, and that I really want to read.

Alright, let’s get into the list. And check back next year to find out if I actually read any of these books!

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1. All of our Hidden Gifts by Caroline O’Donoghue

I’ll be honest, I picked up this book purely because of its gorgeous cover. A couple of weeks ago I was roaming around Barnes & Noble during the 50% off hardcover sale. I hadn’t bought myself a new book in months and I felt like treating myself. With one book in hand, I was looking for a second book, one that I had never heard of before, and this book was sitting on the shelf all alone. It was love at first sight.

Just kidding, but I was infatuated with the cover design. I am a huge judge of books by their covers! In this book, Maeve finds a tarot deck and begins using it to do reading. When she does a reading for an ex-best friend, Lily, she gets some bad omens. The next day, Lily ends up missing.

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2. Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé is the other book I picked up from the Barnes & Noble sale last week. I have heard so many things about it and reading the premise, I know it is going to be one of my favorite reads this coming year.

This book is about two students at Niveus Private Academy, Chiamaka and Devon, who are just trying to get through high school. But someone has different plans for them. Someone is texting their secrets to the whole school, and they have to figure out who before their lives are messed up and their futures ruined.

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3. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

I have this ridiculous need to find a book that will make me cry because I have never cried because of a book before. According to everyone, this is the book to do just that. I watched countless people balling over the ending of this book in reading vlogs, so if this book doesn’t make me cry I don’t know what will.

I am not exactly sure what this book is about except that it has something to do with college friends. But I also don’t really want to look, because I feel like not knowing will allow me to connect with the story more… maybe? Who knows, but that is the plan.

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4. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

This is another book I am adding to my TBR purely because everyone says it made them cry. So hopefully out of these two books, I will find a story that gets physical tears out of my eyes!

This book is about Achilles, son of a god, and Patroclus, a prince. Throughout the book, they form a strong bond with each other. Together, they train under Chiron and avenge the kidnapping of Helen of Sparta. This is a book perfect for fans of Greek mythology! I have never read something like this before, it should be good!

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5. Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon

*checks notes* Yup, that is year 3 that Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon is on my yearly TBR. And as I always say, this year will be the year! I first tried to read this book in April of 2020, when COVID started and I was no longer working because of the lockdown. Then I went back to work and this book went back on my shelf! But if I start it early in 2022, I should be able to get it done before the end of the year.

This is a rich fantasy story about a queendom that doesn’t have an heir and a queen who needs to have an heir so that her land doesn’t fall to dark magic. Luckily, Ead is around protecting her and helping a secret group of mages.

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6. If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio

When I was on my dark academia kick last year, I would always see If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio pop up in my research when looking for recommendations. So when I had a chance to purchase it, I did! This is one of my most anticipated reads for this year. I have such strong feelings that this is going to be a favorite of mine.

This book follows seven college students who have been performing Shakespeare plays until one of them ends up dead. An investigation begins and one of them is found guilty. But was it the actual murderer, or are they still free?

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7. These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

I know there have been many remakes and versions of the Romeo and Juliet story, but I have always been interested in reading one for myself. So, when These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong was released last year, I was pretty excited.

In this story, Juliette and Roma are in two rival gangs that have been fighting for years. That is until a mystical beast starts killing people left and right. The two must band together to fight the beast and keep their people safe.

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8. Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley

Honestly, I picked up Fire Keeper’s Daughter by Angeline Bouley on a whim because of the beautiful cover. It caught my eye while I was roaming the shelves. I actually thought this was a fantasy novel because of the title and cover, But once I read the description, I realized it wasn’t. Still, I knew it was a book for me.

This book is about Daunis, who was planning to leave home to go to medical school until her mother falls ill and she must stay to take care of her. That is when she meets Jamie, and she can tell he is hiding something. Her life suddenly shifts when she witnesses and murder and is thrown into a police investigation. This story is supposed to have mystery, intrigue, and a sense of community. I can’t wait to read it.

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9. The Library of the Unwritten by A. J. Hackwith

The Library of the Unwritten by A. J. Hackwith is another book cover buy, but I also love reading books about bookish topics. And this book takes those topics and makes them way more exciting than I could have ever imagined.

This book focuses on Claire, who is the Head Librarian in Hell. Her job is to watch over all the unfinished stories that authors have abandoned. But sometimes, those stories try to materialize as characters and escape. This is the first book in a fantasy trilogy, and to say I am excited to read this is an understatement! This story sounds so unique!

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10. Jade Fire Gold by June C. L. Tan

I hadn’t heard of this book until I received it in my OwlCrate box. There was not enough promotion for this book, or I was just oblivious to it. But I am so excited to read Jade Fire Gold by June C. L. Tan this year.

In this story, Ahn and Alton get together in an attempt to reclaim the throne. With this, Alton can take back what was rightfully his, and Ahn can learn about her past and the magical abilities she starts exhibiting. Super excited about this action-packed debut fantasy novel!

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11. Sorcery of Thornes by Margaret Rogerson

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson is another book that has been on my TBR for a while because of the bookish topics it has. I have heard so many good things about this book.

In a world where magic is feared and illegal, Elisabeth finds herself with access to some of the most powerful grimoires and magical books. When trying to protect these books, she gets wrapped up in a crime she didn’t commit, someone was trying to steal a grimoire. Now she must team up with her biggest enemy to prove that she is innocent.

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12. City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty

In my mind, City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty is as well-loved as The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang, one of my favorite reads of 2021. People who love one, usually seem to love the other, which is why this book was quickly added to my TBR.

Nahri is a spiritual palm reader, healer, and empath who doesn’t actually believe in magic. She just pretends. That is until she accidentally conjures up a warrior during one of these cons, and he leads her to the city of brass. From there, her whole view of the world and magic changes.

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13. A Lesson in Vengence by Victoria Lee

Another dark academia book on my list of 22 books to read in 2022 is A Lesson in Vengence by Victoria Lee. I have been wanting to read a book from Lee for a while now, and I figured this would be the perfect place to start.

In this book, Felicity is finally back at her boarding school after being away for a year after her girlfriend passed away. She just wants to get back to her old room and graduate. Of course, her old room is said to be haunted by five previous students who were said to practice witchcraft.

You know how much I love stories about witchcraft and stories set in boarding schools. This one has both, of course I am excited to read it.

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14. Beartown by Fredrick Backman

Bear Town by Fredrik Backman is a favorite of so many, I have major FOMO when it comes to this book. I want to be included in the club as well.

Beartown is a small community settled in the middle of a forest. Maybe people think it will be gone in no time. Except the town has one hope, their ice hockey team. However, because of this pressure, a violent crime occurs that impacts everyone in town.

Part of my would never read this book because it sounds like the premise of a sports movie. And the other part of me is super curious because of the mystery aspect and because I have always wanted to live in a small town in the middle of the forest. But either way, I am excited to read this book and see why everyone has been loving it.

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15. The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

I’m all for the bright book covers this year. 2022 is the year for bright, colorful book covers, I have called it. But also good fantasy books like The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna.

Deka is ready for her blood ceremony, where she can show everyone her blood is red, and she will become a full member of the community. Except when her time comes, her blood is gold. She must choose between meeting the consequences of her gold blood or fighting in a mysterious army set to protect the emperor. The choice is hers.

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16. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

I had actually started An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir in 2021, but I had to put it down because I was reading too many books already. But from what I could tell, This is going to be a good book. I also hear that they are creating an adaptation for this book, and I want to read it before that is released!

Laia and Elias live in an empire that is under complete martial law, and anything against that empire is punishable by death. But when Laia’s brother is stolen from her, she agrees to be a spy in the greatest military academy. Here she meets Elias, who wants to be free as much as she does. Together, they form a bond and a plan.

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17. The One’s We’re Meant to Find by Joan He

One genre I don’t read nearly enough, but really love is science-fiction. The Ones We’re Meant to Find by Joan He is supposed to be a YA science-fiction thriller with fantasy. So however that works, I am excited to see what this story is about.

This book follows Kasey, who lives in an advanced city that protects itself from the natural disasters that are constant on earth. One day her twin sister goes missing and she has no idea why. When all the leads at home start drying up, she decides to go looking for her. Somewhere far away, Cecelia, Kasey’s sister, has woken up on an island with no memories of her past, only that she has a sister far away that she needs to find.

This sounds unlike any story I have ever read before, I am excited to see where the author goes with this plot and these two characters.

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18. Scythe by Neal Shusterman

Another veteran on this list of 22 books to read in 2022 is Scythe by Neal Shusterman. I have always been a fan of the dystopian genre, so when this book was pitched for fans of The Hunger Games, my favorite book series, I knew I needed to read it and see how it stacked up.

In a world where hunger, disease, and every other cause of death has been eliminated, people called scythe must go around and kill people to keep the population under control. Two scythes, Citra and Rowan are being trained to do just that. They don’t like it, but they know if they don’t, they will be killed too.

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19. Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart

If you can’t tell from this list, I love a good fantasy book. Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart was released in 2021 and quickly gained recognition as a strong contender in the YA fantasy genre. But it has gotten some mixed reviews, so I am curious how I will like it.

This book is about two witches, Jazmyne and Iraya, both of whom have a reason for vengeance. Because of this, they team up, but a lot gets in their way in their search for revenge.

I love a good revenge story. They can either be super satisfying or have a great moral outcome. Either way, I am a happy reader.

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20. The Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron

Changing it up from all the high fantasy on this list of 22 books to read in 2022 is This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron, which is a contemporary fantasy. This is one of my favorite genres, and the one I write in, so I am excited to see how the book is.

Briseis lives in Brooklyn but has moved to a small rural town for the summer with her parents. There she works on practicing her magic of growing plants and creating remedies with them. But something dark lurks in this town that she wasn’t prepared for.

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21. The Library Book by Susan Orlean

On my list of resolutions for book lovers, I talk about how I really want to read two books from all the major genres. For the non-fiction category, I plan to read The Library Book by Susan Orlean.

This is the story of the fire that occurred in the Los Angeles Public Library in 1986. But instead of just focusing on that disaster, Orlean tells the story of libraries and librarians in general, and how important they are to communities.

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22. Tiny Pretty Things by Dhoniella Clayton and Sona Charaipotra

As you may know, I have been planning to read Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton since I bought it about 5 years ago. I am a dancer, I love reading about dancers, and I love drama. Plus, I have been waiting to watch the Netflix series until I read the book. I need to get on it because that series is just tempting me to watch.

This story is about students at an exclusive dance school in New York. These dancers will do anything in their power to get the best roles and to stay on top. I love stories like this. In fact, I did a whole project while getting my degree in dance on the portrayal of dancers in stories like this. So fun!

Purchase Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton on Amazon here!

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There are so many good books on this list, I am so excited to meet new characters and enter new worlds. I have that new year motivation I guess because I am already ready to start these books!

I have had another amazing year in the online book community, and I am looking forward to make more discussions this year! Can’t wait to read with you all!

Love, Jackie

3 thoughts on “22 Books to Read in 2022”

  1. Cinderella is Dead is definitely on my list as well! Hopefully, This Poison Heart holds up! Wishing you an amazing reading year!

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