5 Reasons to Stop by your Local Library Today!


Look, I completely understand why you would want to own a book. It just feels more comfortable in your hands and you can spend as much time with it as you want. I’m not here to tell you that there is anything wrong with treating yourself with a new book. I often work in order to get myself a new book every once in a while. However, there are so many amazing benefits of going to your local library, and I wanted to share them with the internet!

Disclaimer [2019]: I just wanted to update this post to mention that a lot of people don’t have access to libraries where they live. We, as readers, should but efforts into literacy programs around the world, that would give people a chance to experience the beauty of books.

  1. Libraries are cheap!

    Many cities give residents free or discounted memberships which give access to their library facilities, which are full of books, magazines, movies, CDs, and research materials. You can find out more about what your city provides with some research.

  2. Libraries provide so many options!

    The library offers so many books in so many genres that your options are practically endless! Just wander around the shelves picking up random books and you are bound to find one that suits your fancy!

  3. Try it out!

    If you are unsure about a book or series, you can go to the library and pick it up and try it. If you don’t end up liking it, it is so easy to return. No more worrying about buying an expensive book just to hate it! If you end up liking it, you can still buy a copy later for your personal collection.

  4. The smell!

    Let’s be honest, the smell of a huge building full of books is just… there is nothing like it! Don’t be afraid to sneak a sniff while you are searching for the right book  ; )

  5. The environment!

    There is nothing like being surrounded by books, books, and more books. Not to mention the BOOKS! Every corner you turn there is a new shelf of books to explore. There are also so many bookworms around, sitting on comfortable chairs, enjoying something they can all agree is a wonderful thing… books! My people! Overall, the library is a quiet and calm environment where I do my best thinking.

There are so many more fantastic reasons to go to the library, so I want to hear your reasons. Comment down below, and tell me your favorite thing about your local library!

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