I am definitely a huge fan of horror movies. I am also a fan of books. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that I am a fan of horror movies based on books. In all honesty, I have never read any of these books, but I love each of these films, and this is the perfect time of year to watch them. I am planning on reading a few of these at some point in my life, but those are my famous last words…
These are seriously spooky! Here is a list of five chilling horror movies based on books.

1. Psycho by Robert Bloch
I think I first became interested in Psycho by Robert Bloch when I visited Universal Studios and was chased by Norman Bates on the Studio Tour. Being thrown into the movie made me all the more curious about the characters. I think I was pulled in even more with the Netflix adaptation, Bates Motel. Normal Bates is just so interesting, and a great horror character.
2. The Woman in Black by Susan Hill
The Woman in Black by Susan Hill is one of my favorite horror films out there. I have talked about this one before in The Autumn Book Tag. As you can see, it is referred to as “The Classic English Ghost Story,” and that is exactly how it feels. It is almost quiet and subtle, but super creepy. Also, how could I resist a Daniel Radcliff movie? This is one book I am hoping to read one day.
3. The Haunting of Hillhouse by Shirley Jackson
I actually learned about this story because of its adaptation on Netflix. When it was released last year, everyone I knew was talking about it. Me being the spooky connoisseur that I am, I had to watch it. It is exactly what you expect, and more. You get all the creepiness of a haunted house, with the heart of the family. I have no idea if the book is anything like the Netflix adaptation, but I am excited to find out. I just borrowed the book from my local library!
4. It by Stephen King
It is, by far, one of my favorite horror films. However, you can call me a fake fan, because I have only seen the most recent adaptation. I just think Pennywise is infinitely more creepy in the newer film, I am not sure if the older adaptation will even spook me! I am not running to read this book, however. It is like 4925023 pages, and I am not sure if I have the mental capacity to focus on one story for that many pages.
5. Bird Box by Josh Malerman
Bird Box by Josh Malerman is another story that Netflix recently adapted. Sandra Bullock does an incredible job, as always, and I was fully intrigued by the story and characters presented.

All of these horror movies are seriously spooky! Unfortunately, I have to watch them all by myself because I have no friends or family who will watch them with me. I make sure I watch them before everyone goes to sleep because then the house is just too quite for my brain.
Have you read any of these books, or have you seen any of these movies? What is your favorite Horror movie that is based on a book? Let me know in the comments below!