Look, my favorite seasons of the year are fall and winter. I love the cold, I love the holidays, and I love the food. I am a fan of this half of the year. But, I know there are a lot of people who are the complete opposite of me. Those who love the warm months of spring and summer. So today, I am going to highlight some books from my summer reading list that would be perfect for anyone who hates the cold.
I love to read for escapism. When I open the pages of a book, I want to be whisked away to a brand new world, forgetting the real world completely. As someone who enjoys the cold weather, I don’t mind reading about winter. But for someone who loves summer, I completely understand not wanting to escape into a fantasy set in a snowy village.
Plus, I don’t live somewhere that gets snow, so I have never felt the need to escape it. But, for people who do want to escape the cold or the winter holidays, here are 5 books from my summer reading list. These books are set in summer, set somewhere hot, or just a cute fluffy romance that pairs well with summer.
I tried to add books from multiple genres so that everyone can find something! Grab your ice-cold glass of lemonade and let’s get into it!
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1. Beach Read by Emily Henry
This book is the definition of summer. Beach Read by Emily Henry is set in summer in a beach town on Lake Michigan. It has summer nights, July fourth parties, and romance. What more could you ask for?
This book follows Gus and January, two writers in two very different genres. When they end up living next door after years of not seeing one another, they strike a deal. They both have to write a book in the other’s genre and whoever publishes theirs first wins.
It is the enemies to lovers romance book set in summer that you have been asking for!
Click here to purchase from Amazon!
Click here for my full review of this book!
2. The Cousins by Karen M. McManus
If you are looking for something with a little more mystery, check out The Cousins by Karen M. McManus. Without any of the fluffy romance and moonlit walks on the beach, this is a fantastic and thrilling book to read.
This story is set during the summer, at a fancy island resort. Three cousins are brought to this island by their grandma. The grandma who hasn’t spoken with them or their families in years. And who seems too busy to even care that they are there.
Click here to purchase on Amazon!
3. A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow
Although A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow isn’t set in the summer, you will definitely love this story if you are trying to escape the cold winter. With one of the characters working in water, this book definitely gives off summer vibes.
This story follows Tavia and Effie, who are just trying to deal with high school drama and family matters. But when a siren is murdered for being who she is, Tavia, who is also a siren, must deal with the new spotlight that has been placed on her. With magic, drama, and heart, this book is sure to warm you up on a cool winter’s night.
Click here to purchase on Amazon!
Click here to see my full review of this book!
4. Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann
One of my favorite books, Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann is the perfect book to read if you are missing summer vibes. This is an adorable romance set during the summer months, with the main character working in a library. I am always in the mood for fluffy romance during the summer and this is perfect for that!
This book follows Alice who plans to work through the summer as she heals from her recent breakup. Her girlfriend left her when she found out she was asexual. However, life has other plans for Alice when Takumi walks into her job at the library.
Click here to purchase on Amazon!
Click here to read my full review of this book!
5. Loveboat, TaiPei by Abigail Hing Wen
Another favorite of mine is Loveboat, Taipei by Abigail Hing Wen. This book is set in summer and full of cute romance and the main character who will stop at nothing to do what she loves.
When Ever’s parents send her to a summer study program in Taiwan, she is devastated. She doesn’t know how she will train for dance when she is stuck all summer studying Mandarin. However through perseverance and plain willpower, Ever does everything she can to continue to follow her dream. And don’t worry, there is a little romance involved as well!
And as I am writing this post I have just learned that there is going to be a companion story to this book called Loveboat Reunion about two side characters, Xavier and Sophie. It will be coming out in early 2022!
Click here to purchase on Amazon and click here to preorder the sequel!
Click here to check out my full review of this book!
Although I love reading my fantasy and dark academia during the winter months, writing this post put me in such a mood for some fluffy summer romance. I am already thinking about what I am going to add to my summer reading list for next year!
But you don’t have to wait for summer like I do! I am a full supporter of making a summer reading list for every month of the year. Sometimes we need some carefree summer vibes in our lives.
What is your favorite summer reading list book? Let me know in the comments below!

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